23 December 2010 (Thursday) - Guardian Angels (Indeed!)

A late start today. I don’t mind the late starts, but I don’t like the late finish that goes with it. Today’s was particularly galling as everyone else at home had now started their Xmas break, and I still had two more days at work. Whilst they all snored, I checked the day’s news over a spot of brekkie.
The Labour party are cashing in on the disarray in the coalition government caused by Vince Cable’s stunning revelations. Perhaps Vince Cable was rather daft to have been so forthright in expressing his reservations about the Government in which he is a prominent figure. But as David Steel said when interviewed on the radio the other day, did Vince Cable actually say anything (other than the BSkyB bit) that wasn’t already public knowledge? Do we honestly expect all the members of any government of any political persuasion to all be in total agreement on every single policy?
Yesterday I related my concerns over the religious crackpot views shared by quite a few people these days. Following that theme, today it transpires that nearly a third of the UK population believe they have a guardian angel.
I once knew a chap with one of those. Whilst walking from my parents house to Hastings town centre with him, his guardian angel helped him find a fifty pence coin which was lying on the pavement. The discovery of that coin was 100% down to the angel, and we had a little prayer of thanks. For some reason it was blind chance that this chap trod in a dog turd a few hundred yards later.
Sometimes I despair for humanity.

And so to work, where the workload has slackened somewhat. Whilst we offer “business as usual” this week, for much of the world, it really is not “business as usual”. A hospital car park which is usually full to overflowing is half empty. Does it not suit people to have hospital appointments this week for some strange reason?
Just recently it’s become somewhat de-rigeur to run down the public sector employees as a bunch of overpaid underworked layabouts. I find it rather interesting that the private sector that does this running down is (by and large) now closed down, and won’t re-open for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, my place of work won’t actually close up at all.

In a better plane of reality, having brandished their choppers in the park (!) the young chav and Frosty have obtained an Xmas tree. The dog is grateful that they now have an indoor toilet, and has decorated the tree in the way that only a lego dog can.
If nothing else, it’s put the cat off of climbing the thing.

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed on FB how many people have said they are off work now until after new year. It used to be just we who worked in education that had that sort of break at Christmas but it seems more widespread now. Philip has booked vacation days for the week between Christmas and new year because we have company staying. Otherwise, like most of the American people, he would get one day - Christmas Day - off. No Boxing Day (doesn't exist here)..just one day then back to work. You can say what you like about Americans and many do.....but they are grafters.
