I turned off the pond’s filtration system for the winter since all it will do is chill the water. No more food for the fish until March. Just as well they’ve put on weight over the summer.
Next door has had metal fences put up, and… well, to be honest, I’m not sure. The people next door mentioned about getting a quote to have metal fences put round some time ago, and said they’d get us a quote too. At the time I was all for the idea, and it was that which spurred me on to paint the front of the house a few weeks ago. The company next door spoke with never got back to them, and in the end, they did the fences themselves. Now I’ve seen them, I’m not sure if I like them. I had this plan to get the same fences as they had, so it would all look alike. But if I’m going to get the same, I’m going to need to build up the brick pillar between my house and the other side. And I’m not keen on that.
So, anyway, I was up with the lark, and round to B&Q to look at their metal fences. After all, that’s where next door got theirs from. But the panels they used are about a foot too tall, and they don’t seem to make anything lower. There’s a wrought iron specialist in Tenterden – I’ll give them a ring in the morning, maybe.
And then to Tesco’s to get my salad. For all that they open early, they don’t like people doing their shopping early. Or, to be more precise, the poor saps who are on the early shift don’t. They delight in deliberately dragging their trolleys and assorted luggage into the way of all the shopping public. And then making very loud sighs and clucks when they pretend that they’ve only just noticed the poor shopper that they’ve nearly run over.
And during the mid afternoon my phone battery went flat. I was impressed. Ever since I got my new phone, it would last no more than a day between charges. Yesterday I got a new battery, and the chap said to put it in the phone, use the residual charge up and then charge it for ….. blah-de-blah. The “residual charge” in the new battery has lasted as long as the old battery would when fully charged. Let’s hope for the best here.
Some days in my life are rather eventful – others not so…
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