6 October 2024 (Sunday) - Basil (?)

I had a good nine hours asleep last night. That was something of a result. I set the washing machine going, made toast and had my usual look at the Internet. It was much the same as ever. Today’s petty squabble was about the efficiency of home-made pond filters. On the one side were people with rather good home-made pond filters who were being rather smug. On the other were people who’d (like me) spent a lot of money buying far less efficient filters, and were rather jealous. I left them to it – it has to be said that you can’t beat a garden pond if you want something to argue about.
There was an interesting post on the Facebook page of an author I follow. I follow her as I like what she writes, but she does have rather strong opinions which alienate quite a lot of her potential readership. She’s been rather vocal in her postings about American politics recently, and it would seem that those with whom she has disagreed have taken to writing their messages on golf balls which are being flung into her garden together with broken glass.
I had a little Munz from the sofa. And got Wordle on the third attempt. I was rather pleased about that.
I hung out the washing, pruned the pond plants, and “er indoors TM and I took the dogs out.
We drove down to the Romney Marsh to find the finals of the puzzle geocaches I’d been struggling with in the week, and we also picked up one or two other caches that were on our way. One of them looked to be rather old skool. The designated parking spot was half a mile from the actual cache location, and the cache itself hadn’t been found for over a year.
If nothing else it would be a good walk for the dogs.
We walked out and searched high and low. Eventually “er indoors TM found it in the very first place that I had looked.
We came home. I had hoped to crack on in the garden, but the drizzle which was mentioned in yesterday’s weather forecast had started. Interestingly there was no mention of drizzle in today’s weather forecast before it actually started…
As the afternoon wore on so the drizzle got heavier.
I got the washing in and hung it on the clothes horse. “er indoors TM boiled up bacon sarnies and then we had another look at the DVD player. Yesterday the thing had totally failed to work. But in the meantime we’d got a new HDMI cable from Amazon so we plugged it all in and the thing worked fine. To test it we’d stuck in the first DVD that came to hand, and seeing it worked we’d left it playing. I can remember “An Audience with Victoria Wood” being hilarious when it first came out. But that was in 1988, and it hasn’t really stood the test of time. Some of it was still funny, but much of it referred to a time which has long since passed.
This then gave way to a Lee Mack DVD. And a Jason Manford DVD.
I wonder if this is the way forward – now we’ve plumbed in the DVD player will we be watching endless DVDs? Dare I suggest that with hundreds of DVDs in the house (probably not quite a thousand) I doubt if I could watch all of them before I croak. And so consequently downgrading our Sky package might be a good idea?
As we DVD-ed I wrote up a little CPD. While I quite like the arrangement of working part-time, having to still carry on doing continuing professional development is something of a pain in the glass (to coin a phrase).
“er indoors TM boiled up gammon with basil. Have you ever scoffed anything with basil? At the risk of appearing ungrateful I can’t say I’m keen to do so again.

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