
2 January 2023 (Monday) - Lazy Day

For the second day this year (!) the forecast of “constant heavy rain all day” was changed overnight to “no rain at all”. This got me wondering.
I spent a little while having a look on-line at the accuracy of the ability of weather forecasts to predict rain and couldn’t find any information. Forecasts are  claimed to be eighty to ninety per cent accurate in getting the temperature right to within a couple of degrees, and pretty much everything I could find about forecasting accuracy was based on temperature. Not rain.
I suppose it was probably as well that the forecast was wrong. The forecast rain had put me off of going to Scarborough today. Over the last week a walrus has been sitting on the sea front there, and I worked out that if we left home at four o’clock in the morning we could get there, see the walrus, and still be home (after a six hundred miles round trip) before it was dark.
The forecast rain put us off the idea of going, and that was for the best as the Internet said that overnight the walrus has shoved off to wherever it is that walruses shove off to.
We thought better of taking the dogs to the woods; with no rain the woods would be full of normal people. Instead we took the dogs to Great Chart where we did a geo-adventure lab (and got an e-souvenir too), then walked a little way up the Greensand Way. As we came toward the railway so Bailey went rogue. She was eventually recaptured, and we cut the walk short.
“er indoors TM jigsaw-ed whilst I watched “Escape to Victory” which I can remember being a far better film that it was this afternoon, then with “er indoors TM off shopping I made myself comfortable with the dogs and watched several episodes of “Four In A Bed” in which the one obsessed with cleanliness turned out to have a mildew-ridden mattress.
I did snigger.
We had a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the New Year’s special episode of “Taskmaster”, and I’m thinking about an early night before an early start tomorrow.
I never used to like having utterly lazy days… but I seem to be getting the hang of them.

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