
1 January 2023 (Sunday) - New Year's Day

I managed to sleep for over eight hours last night and wake up with no backache this morning. Here’s hoping that this bodes well for the New Year. When I got up “er indoors TM had already seen to the puppies as well… something else that can continue…
I made toast and sparked up my lap-top. It wasn’t raining outside, and I sighed as I saw that the weather forecast had changed completely overnight. Why are they (“they” being the entire meteorological community) allowed to continue issuing forecasts when what they say is so often so completely wrong. They really do seem to say any old rubbish and then change it at the last minute to conform with what actually happens.
Before I had chance to get wound up by the usual trivia that abounds on-line I had a message. “My Boy TM”’s shed roof had gone west. Did I have any roofing felt?
I got the felt that was in the shed, some clout nails and a hammer and drove round to his house. Sure enough during the winds of last night a great lump of the felt on his shed roof had come off. Amazingly when his shed was built, whoever made it didn’t build it so’s the two roof panels met – along the top of his shed was a gap an inch wide and seven feet long covered only by roofing felt… the same roofing felt which had blown off overnight, and so his she was awash.
It didn’t take long to fix… When I say “fix”, I mean “bodge”. We’ve made it good for now. Once the wood of the shed roof dries out we’ll replace all the shed’s roofing felt and sort out the wooden edges too. Or that is “My Boy TM” will fix it and I will generally get in the way, make “helpful” suggestions and post photos of the antics to social media.
I came home, collected “er indoors TMand the dogs and we went up to Kings Wood for a little walk. We made a point of keeping the dogs on their leads until another group had got a way away. There was a group with some disabled dogs; three dogs all with their rear ends in a wheelchair arrangement, all zooming about propelled by their front legs. They seemed to be having fun, but the puppies can get in the way, and Treacle can be grumpy so we kept our distance.
We then walked our usual four mile circuit round the woods. The woods were busy today. I suppose being a Bank Holiday weekend they would be.
With walk walked and fox poo scrubbed from dogs (they can be such foul creatures) “er indoors TM set about her jigsaw puzzle, and I settled myself in front of the telly. “The Bridge Over The River Kwai” is a classic film, and has stood the test of time far better than today’s second film “Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.” which was sadly on the lame side.
I would have turned it off and played Lego had Morgan and Bailey not been sleeping on me, but they were, and you can’t disturb a sleeping dog. It’s the law.
I then made this year’s birthday video. You’ll see it on your birthday. “er indoors TM sorted some rather good lamb shanks which we washed down with a bottle of rioja whilst watching the New Year Bake Off.
It’s been a rather good day off, if a lazy one… It was only a shame there was no geocaching walk planned for today. Apart from one locked-down year there has been a major meet-up of the Hunters of Tupperware on every New Year’s Day for as long as I’ve been hunting Tupperware.
I’m hoping that no event today was just a blip.

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