
13 January 2023 (Friday) - Rostered Day Off

With no need to be up early I had planned on a bit of a lie-in. “er indoors TM ‘s alarm woke me at seven o’clock, and then at five-minute intervals from then on. I gave up trying to sleep and got up.

I made toast and had a look at the Internet. Again ladies of dubious morals were plying their trade on my Facebook feed. Facebook’s community standards are rather inexplicable, aren’t they?  

With not much else happening on Facebook I had a look at my emails. Linkedin were offering me the chance to take part in their live on-line seminar which would help me develop a career game plan (?) They would tell me all about the importance of having a plan and how to create one, how to set realistic goals and create success habits, and warn me of common mistakes in setting goals and how to avoid them. I could even take part in the live Q&A following the discussion.

It bothers me that there are those who really do take all this bollox seriously.


Leaving “er indoors TM to deal with the plumber who had come to service the boiler (woof!) I took the dogs to Kings Wood. As we drove the head honcho of the frozen food firm Iceland was on Desert Island Discs. He said that when he started Iceland it was from a lock-up and he worked on it during the evenings because he worked at Woolworth’s during the day. And when the boss at Woolworth heard of his moonlighting he got the sack.

We had a good walk round the woods. At one point I saw Bailey was eating something. She made the schoolgirl error of stopping for a tiddle so I pounced on her and pulled a dead mouse from her mouth. Quick as a flash Treacle then pounced and scoffed the dead mouse and had swallowed it before I realised what had happened.

Have I ever mentioned that dogs are foul creatures?

We came home where the plan was just to wash muddy paws, but one look (and smell) of Bailey meant she was up for a full scrub.


I then spent a little while getting loads of rubbish from the shed into the front garden. Over the last few months I’ve been bagging and boxing rubbish for a tip run. Sadly despite my best efforts last year, the shed roof has sprung a leak and so most of the cardboard boxes were rather sodden. But (one way or another) I got the rubbish out of the shed.

And then I went to get the car…

Parking near home can be something of a nightmare. Having parked up a few streets away I brought the car round, parked on the double yellow lines and loaded up the rubbish. Much as I like my car, there’s no denying that it lacks the rubbish capacity hat previous cars have had.


I went round to the tip where getting rid of rubbish passed off rather uneventfully. The staff there were quite happy for me to unload without trying to police my every action (like they have done so often in the past), and I came home again.  


The plan for the afternoon was to do the ironing, but finding myself on the sofa underneath some sleeping dogs I just sat with them. “Four In A Bed” was on the telly, and I soon found myself engrossed in the show. Today’s contestants were some hippies from Devon who got laughed at by all the other contestants, an ex-Mr Universe, some woman from up the road in Charing (whose pub has now closed down), and the winner was a bone-idle chap from Oxfordshire whose staff did everything for him.

In between telly I took a few selfies with the dogs. I might be a tad biased, but the dogs are rather photogenic… even if getting them to pose for the camera takes some doing.


“er indoors TM boiled up some fish and chips for dinner which we scoffed whilst watching another episode of “The Crown”. I know that the show is only based on reality and takes quite a few liberties with the actual facts, but as it goes on, it doesn’t seem to be very sympathetic to her late majesty.

It’s not been a bad day off today… which was as well. The weather forecast for tomorrow is awful.

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