
12 January 2023 (Thursday) - A Dull Day

I gave up laying awake and got up at silly o’clock. Once I’d done the puppies and settled them I made toast and scoffed it as I watched another episode of “The Pentaverate” with something of a sense of amazement. There are certain comedians who I find simply aren’t funny at all (Woody Allen Count Arthur Strong, Lenny Henry) but still keep going strong. Mike Myers is one such. “The Pentaverate” just isn’t funny, but a lot of other people have found it amusing. I’m watching it trying to find what I am clearly missing.
Being wide awake far earlier than I really needed to be I could have slobbed about watching more rubbish on the telly, but bearing in mind that today was a Qrewzee day (it's a Munzee thing) I thought I might have a little Munzing session before work.
As I walked to my car so a house over the road was having an Iceland food delivery... at quarter past six in the morning. That was a bit keen.
Having checked out the Munzee map I'd seen there were potentially rich pickings to be had in Harrietsham this morning so I headed up the A-road. Whilst the traffic was going faster than on what passes for a motorway these days, at least the lighting on the M20 is fairly constant. As I drove up the A20 the lighting varied from pitch black to the dazzling full beams of the headlights of the oncoming traffic. Maybe one car in ten would dip their lights.
I got to Harrietsham, parked up and went for a little walk (four thousand steps - a mile and three quarters) capping thirteen Qrewzees as I went. Go me. As I scanned bar-codes stuck to lamp posts and street signs I got one or two odd looks from passers-by. I gave them each a sickly smile and they soon bustled off.
After forty minutes I found myself two hundred feet from my car as the crow flies. However crows fly over houses. Two hundred feet as the crow flies was half a mile as the fat bloke walks...
I got back to the car and carried on to work listening to the pundits on the radio as I went. Some mornings the radio is rather dull. In fact most mornings it is dull, but if I don't listen I end up so ignorant of what's going on in the world.
This morning there was an interview with the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Whilst he wasn't pushing for massive pay rises for the Old Bill he made the observation that a lot of coppers are dependent on food banks to feed their families. If the Old Bill are so hard up as to need food banks, how many of them would be open to a little back-hander here and there to make ends meet? Bear that in mind the next time one pulls you over for speeding (!)
Some Hindu chap was then wheeled on to present "Thought For The Day". He was banging on about some software being outlawed in schools because it can blag essays and poems and all sorts of written work which otherwise students would have to write for themselves. As a demonstration the speaker had got the software to generate the morning's platitudes. To be honest what the software generated was utterly indistinguishable from any other drivel spouted during the "Thought For The Day" couple of minutes.
I would say "makes you think, doesn't it?" but it doesn't make you think at all, does it? The software saves you the bother.
And so to work. The day was a rather good one, really. But dull. So dull that I fell asleep.
If I could only sleep at night…

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