8 October 2019 (Tuesday) - New Specs, Adventure Lab

I slept like a log again. Fudge came and sat with me as I scoffed my toast this morning. He seemed particularly chirpy; I wonder what brought that on? "er indoors TM" has a theory that it is the new food he is on. We are trying him on all sorts of specialist kidney-friendly food trying to find a brand he likes. Mind you since this kidney problem has come to light he seems to be far less fussy over what he eats.
As I scoffed my brekkie I realised that I was right to have taken my car to the garage yesterday afternoon for today’s fixing; as I scoffed a notification appeared on one of the local Facebook groups saying that a lorry had just wedged itself under the road bridge between my house and the garage. That would have slowed me up.
And then my phone beeped about a trivial email despite my having turned off its Internet connection. Every night I make sure the thing is disconnected from the Internet, and every night it re-connects itself.

I got the leads on to the dogs and we went for our morning walk. We hadn’t walked for more than a few yards when we met Dan-Dan and Bella. We chatted for a bit whilst Bella bossed the dogs about. She might only be five years old, but I can see a future matriarch of our family in the making.
Dan-Dan and Bella caught the bus; we carried on with our usual circuit of the park. We walked past a few people, but the dogs didn’t bother anyone, and no one bothered us. It was a very peaceful hour. It was perhaps dull, but that’ not always a bad thing.

We came home; I settled the dogs, and went in to town. As I walked up I met Bernie who was doing work experience with a traffic warden. He seemed happy with the arrangement; I can’t say I was impressed.
I had a few minutes to spare, so I had a look round Ashford to find places of note. Geocaching dot com has given me an Adventure lab thingy and I needed to find five locations of interest on which to base it. I found a statue in the memorial gardens, the site of the old jail, the birthplace of Francis Epes (who?), the tank, and the building with the fake first floor.
And with my locations located I went on to the opticians to get my new specs. They look just like the old ones; I doubt anyone will be able to tell the difference. Things do look a tad sharper with them on (I’m told my prescription had changed quite a bit over the last two years). As I tried on the new specs and the nice lady fussed about, a minor riot was kicking off at the counter. Some young mother had turned up with what I could only describe as “the family from hell”. This young mother could see nothing wrong with letting a swarm of toddlers run screaming round the waiting area whilst she had her eyes tested, and she felt the shop staff were being very unreasonable in insisting she sorted out her own child care arrangements.

I came home via the bakery where I got myself a rather good steak and stilton slice. As I headed home a voice piped up “hello Dave”. I smiled and said hello. We had a rather good chat about this and that. I said what I’d been up to, whoever it was told me what he’d been up to. I have no idea who it was, but clearly he knew me very well…

Once home I made myself a cuppa, and as the dogs snored I put together all the information I’d got earlier and made my Adventure Lab caches. It took an hour or so. The finished result is OK I suppose. It is a tad “normal” but there’s not really that much scope in there for knob jokes like there is when making a Wherigo.
Still, I’ve got it done now.
I scoffed a sandwich, and fell asleep in front of the telly. I slept for a couple of hours until "Daddy’s Little Angel TM" phoned. She’d just had trouble with a customer in her shop. This customer had the hump because he was too stupid to operate the door. Apparently opening the door was beyond this chap’s abilities, and he thought that "Daddy’s Little Angel TM" was being unfair to him to expect him to be able to operate such a complicated device.

I walked down the road to the doctors to collect my sick note. I got to the surgery to find that collecting a sick note was not the ordeal I had been expecting it to be. With sick note collected I came home and sat in front of the telly (with my dogs) for an hour or so. With so much I might be doing with this time off, I seem to be spending a lot of it just sitting about feeling washed out.
As I sat feeling sorry for myself the garage phoned. They’d found something or other wrong with the car’s oil pump. Hopefully it should be ready tomorrow. That suited me – I didn’t fancy going to get it today.

"er indoors TM" boiled up a rather good bit of dinner; we scoffed it whilst watching “Bake-Off”. I like that show…
Maybe I might feel up to doing something constructive tomorrow…

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