
13 February 2025 (Thursday) - Cheeky FTF

As I scoffed toast “er indoors TM said there was a new puzzle geocache near Faversham. As I was planning to head in that general direction anyway I had a little look at the puzzle. “Uhjlv xw dupd uhjr olehud sruwxv hjr” “What am I? A BC D EFGH IJKL”?. After a quick decipher, translation and transposition I had a longitude and latitude which wasn’t *that* far (twenty minute drive) from Kings Wood car park, so I bundled the dogs into the car and set off.
As we drove the pundits on the radio were talking about inflation, Ukraine, politics… the important part of all of which was seemingly meaningless words. None of the people being interviewed seemed to speak plain English. But one thing stood out. Apparently President Trump has announced that he will stop the war in Ukraine. Bearing in mind the USA has paid the thick end of two hundred billion dollars on the Ukraine’s war efforts (about ten times what the UK has given), President Trump could stop the war tomorrow. All he has to do is withdraw US funding and Ukraine has lost. Consequently it seems that it will be President Trump and not the Ukrainians who will decide the cease fire arrangements, or so it was claimed this morning.
We got to Faversham, parked up, and soon had that geocache in hand. And we were First to Find as well. Go us.
From there it wasn’t too far to Kings Wood where we had a good walk. The woods were rather busy today. Once we are away from the car park we often walk all the way round and see maybe one or two people. Seeing four is a lot. I lost count of how many people were there today. It was a shame that Bailey had to roll in muck, and when we got back to the car I saw Morgan had rolled in muck as well.
Such is life.
We came home to find that the parking spaces outside the house had been barriered off. A couple of weeks ago some bloke claiming to be from the council put “no parking” cones outside the house. A few days later I saw someone had removed them and stacked them up. Perhaps someone is going to fix the hole in the road opposite?
I made a cuppa, scoffed a mince pie and had a little look at the Internet. I had an email telling me that my most recent Amazon purchase (a key for bleeding the radiator) came with a two months’ free  Audible trial. If I signed up I could access all these Audible things but after two months I would have to start paying for them. Personally I’m not keen on the idea. A book (or e-book) is something you read for yourself; not something that someone else reads to you. Or so I’ve always thought.
I wrote up some CPD, then did the ironing whilst watching episodes of “Four in a Bed”. As is so often the way one couple remarked that another place was very well, but wasn’t the sort of place that they personally would holiday in. And having been told that, the one who felt slighted went from being everyone’s best mate to being a vindictive old cow in the blink of an eye.
“er indoors TM sorted sausages and chips for dinner which we scoffed whilst watching another episode of “Celebrity Hunted”. I’ve rather changed my mind about that show. Initially I thought the fugitives were being rather silly by continually appearing on live TV and radio, but I wonder if the show’s producers asked them to do so to give the hunters a chance. It strikes me that the hunters couldn’t find their own bums even with a mate shouting instructions at them through a megaphone.

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