
8 January 2025 (Wednesday) - Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia

I spent much of the night listening to “er indoors TM telling Bailey off. I don’t know what crimes little Bailey had committed but judging by the amount of stick the poor dog was getting they must have been heinous.
I got up, had more granola and watched another episode of “Victoria”, then had my usual root around the Internet. It was still there, but being rather early in the morning no one was awake to argue with anyone else.
I checked the humane mouse trap. Overnight I'd caught one, but in trying to extract the little thing it escaped. Ho-hum. Maybe next time I might have Bailey to hand?
Once I'd sorted the ice from the car I set off for work. As I drove the pundits on the radio were spouting their usual drivel as they do. As I drove there was talk of soon-to-be President Trump. He's made an announcement that he is serious about America obtaining Greenland and like a bunch of idiots the EU are taking him seriously and getting twitchy. He's never going to invade Greenland, is he? Back when he was president last time he used to remind me of the simple-minded cub scouts who would come out with the more ridiculous nonsense in order to impress the thicker more feeble-minded cub scouts. Which is exactly why he's being President for a second time. He says what the voters want to hear regardless of how implausible or impractical it might be. And then whenever whatever nonsense he'd promised fails to materialise, he blames it all on whoever it is that the masses hate at the time, and his popularity soars. Sometimes I refer to Mr Trump as "that idiot", but he's only an idiot in what he so loudly blusters about. I suspect he knows exactly what he is doing.
Democracy, eh?
Meanwhile science has reported a case of pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia allegedly triggered by a COVID vaccine. For those of my loyal readers who aren't of a medical disposition, pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia is a technical term for "wazzo jugs". And whilst it is incredibly unlikely that the COVID vaccine had anything to do with it, I for one am all for ramping up the vaccination programme just in case. Call me an old traditionalist if you will…
Work was work; but I started early and using some lieu time I was on the way home by half past eleven. I came home via the works branch of M&S and got iced spiced buns for lunch. And with that scoffed I started loading up the car for a tip run.
I took a car load of rubbish to the tip; I came home again. And then sat in front of the telly and slept for the afternoon; I was all in. I woke as “er indoors TM set off on babysitting duty, put washing in, and dozed some more until there was a knock on the door. My new humane rat trap had arrived. With no instructions it seemed rather cheap and nasty, but I managed to figure out how I thought it worked, so I baited it and put it into position and settled in front of the telly. In the evenings there is all sorts of pap on UK Gold which kept me away from bothering the rat trap.
We cracked open a bottle of plonk with which we washed down a rather good lamb dinner, and then I attacked a lump of cheese. I shared the crackers with the dogs; they like that.
So far the new humane rat trap hasn’t captured very much…

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