
6 January 2025 (Monday) - Broadband Restored

I slept well, but I did hear a thump as Morgan got off the bed at five o’clock. I hurried downstairs after him to see him anxiously circling by the back door. I wish he’d nudge me if he wants to go out; otherwise we’d just find a little pile by the back door.
I had a little look at the Internet (on my phone) as I scoffed brekkie. There were quite a few squabbles on the early retirement Facebook page I’ve started following. I thought the page would be all about what sorts of things people might do when retired, but it isn’t. Today people were boasting about who’s got the most money in their pension pots, and others were asking how you actually go about getting a pension having found themselves in their late fifties and made no pension provision whatsoever.
And a friend was off on yet another foreign holiday. Some people seem to have a lot of those. Would it be wrong of me to start keeping a tally?
“er indoors TM set off to work. I put some washing in to scrub, then took the dogs out. Bearing in mind the heavy rain we’d had overnight and the fact that I was feeling a tad iffy we didn’t go to the woods today. Thinking that would be one big swamp we walked round the local paths and found local floods instead.
The path underneath the railway by the outlet centre was again flooded. I can remember that flooding when I used to cycle along there to work thirty years ago. I emailed my local councilor about that a year ago. She wasn’t interested.
From there we walked through the Outlet Centre and home along the river which was nearly bursting its banks. Just as we crossed the bridge over the river so the rain started. We got rather wet on the relatively short walk from there to home.
I hung the washing round the radiators and put more in, then Munzed and wordled for a bit. Not feeling on top form I thought I might watch telly… and put on a DVD as with no broadband Netflix was out.
At eleven o’clock the broadband light on the router came on. It was yellow which meant it wasn’t working, but a light had come on which was more than had happened all weekend.
I watched an episode of The Monocled Mutineer whilst my shirts washed, and then ironed them watching the second episode.
There was a knock on the door. On Saturday we’d advertised our old office chair on Facebook Marketplace. Someone wanted it. I saw that as a result all round. We had no use for it. And if someone else wanted it they’d got something for nothing and I’d been saved the arse-ache of a trip to the tip.
As I sorted tumble-dried undercrackers at three o’clock during the third episode of The Monocled Mutineer so I had a text to say the broadband was all fixed. The light on the router was yellow still, so I pulled the router’s plug, counted to ten and after a few minutes all was working fine.
And seeing how the working day had nearly gone (for those working today) I phoned the home emergency people to chase up the report that I need to send to the insurance people. It’s been a week… how much longer do they need?
“er indoors TM came home, boiled up some dinner and went bowling. I watched Netflix because I could, and I shall play some on-line chess in a bit because I can.
We were without broadband for exactly three days; it seemed an eternity.

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