
28 January 2025 (Tuesday) - Before The Late Shift

Having been sleeping well for over a week I woke at five past one this morning and then dozed fitfully for the rest of the night. What sleep I did get was plagued by nightmares about taking scouts on a motorbike tour of Japan; each scout being accompanied by a diarrhea-ridden pug of their own.
I made toast and just as it was ready so the dogs came trotting downstairs. I’m convinced they hear the toast pop out, come down and ask to go out just so I get cold toast. It happens every morning.
I peered into the Internet as I do. It was still there. There wasn’t much happening on Facebook really. Yesterday I found a Facebook group supposedly about the underpass by the railway bridge which keeps flooding. I mentioned on it that I’d emailed the local councilor who hadn’t replied. The local councilor replied there to say that his official council email wasn’t working. Apparently officialdom has known about the flooding at the Asda underpass for years, but there is petty squabbling about which office is responsible for dealing with the issue.
I was then in trouble. “er indoors TM had eventually realized that I had added hairy bollox and big tits to her Alexa shopping list.
I munzed, got Wordle at the third attempt, and looked at the rain. Not having that long this morning, Kings Wood was out anyway. Kings Wood was muddy yesterday so Orlestone would have been a swamp. I had planned a little walk up to the park, but it was raining hard and the dogs were asleep anyway.
So I sat on the sofa and carried on with my geo-plans for my new Kings Wood series.
After an hour I realized that the very first thing I’d done this morning was a mistake, so as “er indoors TM made us both a cuppa I started again from the beginning.
After a while I had plotted the locations for icons on the geo-map for about half of what I’ve got in mind for Kings Wood. There’s so much more to hiding a geocache than simply sticking a film pot under a rock.
I drove off to work through a rather dismal morning. I should really have stopped at the co-op to get some lunch. Instead I thought I'd treat myself to something special from the works M&S. I got to work and got a frankly disappointing chicken fajita roll. The co-op do something far better for a fraction of the price.
And with lunch bought I cracked on with work. Having had a couple of days off last week I'd not been there for a while. In the past I've dreaded going back to work after a long time off; I don't do that these days.
Mind you, like any other late shift, the day was pretty much done by mid day.

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