
24 January 2025 (Friday) - Morgan's Meander

I was sleeping rather well, but Bailey woke me in the small hours with the sounds of her having a nightmare. She was having serious night terrors. I managed to wake her and she seemed very confused and disorientated. She went straight back to sleep. I eventually nodded off, and then slept through till half past eight.
I made toast and had a little look at the Internet as I do. Just recently Facebook has been making suggestions to me about who I might add to my friends list. It has been suggesting some seriously obscure people who I really don’t know from Adam. Today it suggested a caravan park in St. Leonards.
There was a minor squabble on one of the Star Trek Facebook pages about whether or not there’s beer in the Star Trek universe. Sadly no one on either side of the argument made reference of the episode in which Chief O’Brien has a pint of ale. I doubt any of those arguing had ever seen that episode… or many others.
I munzed and Wordled, and seeing the rain outside decided against going out. Instead I went through the bank statements. Some call me mean, but every month I go through and account for every penny; it is amazing what you might forget that you’ve bought, or how many cancelled direct debits keep on paying out. What with one thing and another I’ve had a rather expensive month, but what is money for if not to squander foolishly.
And then the rain stopped.
I got the dogs organized and we drove up to the woods. Yesterday I had a preliminary recce on the planned “Bailey’s Bimble” series of geocaches. Today I checked out the route for the “Morgan’s Meander”. If the geo-feds are in agreement this will be twenty-nine geocaches over a walk of six miles.
As we walked I heard a crashing in the bushes and another herd of deer came running past. The dogs set off in hot pursuit, but all three immediately stopped and came back when I whistled. Those dogs wind me up. When I take them out on my own they are as good as gold. Whenever anyone else is about to watch, they play up big-time.
As we walked we only met one other dog walker. She and her dog were at the furthest point of our walk from the car park, and her dog ran up to say hello before she noticed us. All the dogs were quite happily sniffing when she saw us. She then panicked, ran up, put her dog on the lead and dragged him away whilst studiously ignoring me.
What was that all about?
After six miles we were back at the car. We came home for serious bath time (with soap!). The woods had been very muddy and the dogs were filthy. Once scrubbed they were all soon snoring and I sorted out all the co-ordinate and notes I’d made. There was a lot to sort. And then I went through my Wherigo archive to see what I might fit in the gaps between the three geo-series I’ve got in mind. There’s a lot more still to sort.
And then Chris offered me the hide he had in Kings Wood.
And then I realized it was dark outside. So much for what I had planned in the shed.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza and chips and went off to the pantomime with Steve and Sarah. I settled down underneath a pile of dogs and watched a couple of episodes of “Poldark”.
Yesterday I said I was worn out after a dog walk, ironing, and watching telly. Today I didn’t do the ironing and I’m still worn out…


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