
19 January 2025 (Sunday) - Peanut Butter

With “er indoors TM and the dogs up in the attic room with littlun last night I slept rather well. I woke at seven o’clock this morning and thought I might have a little peace before they all got up. I made toast and got as far as the title credits rolling on an episode of “Poldark” before they all came stomping downstairs.
Darcie made off with a piece of my toast and scoffed it all. She’s notoriously difficult to feed; like her mother was at her age she doesn’t like much and only eats tiny amounts of what she does like. She seems to like peanut butter and marmalade on toast though, but I’m not going to push it. I can remember my dear old mother force-feeding me, my brother and both the fruits of my loin, and going hysterical if we didn’t eat enough to feed a family of four for a week.
I posted a photo of her scoffing her toast and my cousin posted a photo of her peanut butter and marmalade on toast. In the past no one I’ve ever met has heard of having peanut butter and marmalade on toast, let alone tried it. If my cousin is scoffing it then presumably it is a family thing?
Whilst Darcie WaaWaa TM played Dig-Dug and watched strange videos on “toobs” (You-Tube) I stood on the scales. I’ve lost two pounds since last week, which is a step in the right direction. And my blood pressure was noticeably down on yesterday. This morning it was 143/82 compared to 161/89 last night.
Littlun’s “toobs” moved on to a rather annoying song about a frog’s grandmother’s wig, and I reactivated my account on MyFitnessPal. In the past I’ve found that two things work for weight loss for me. Calorie counting and being constantly hungry. So here we go. Again.
As I solved geo-puzzles so littlun’s “toobs” started playing a rather annoying song about why you shouldn’t drink water from the toilet.
And then I had an email from the power company. You really would think that whoever it is that runs EDF would realise that it is warmer in the summer and colder in the winter. Consequently my spending more money on heating in the winter and less in the summer shouldn’t come as a surprise to them. Should it?
At mid-day we took littun home. She sang “Jingle Bells all the way home which was rather sweet really. And with her deposited back with her mother we took a rather circuitous route home across the Romney Marsh picking up solved but unfound (by us) puzzle geocaches.
Once home we had a cuppa and a hot cross bun (two hundred calories!) and with no end of other more important stuff I might be doing I slobbed in front of the telly watching episodes of “Four In A Bed”. There was a glamping site, two rather good pubs which offered accommodation, and a rather shabby hotel charging over double the price of everyone else. Annoyingly they all remained friendly and no one fell out with anyone else.
I did my evening blood pressure measurement, and when I entered the result onto the doctor’s website rather than its generic “thank you – same again tomorrow” message it told me that the conversation about a week’s monitoring was over and that over the week my blood pressure had averaged 153/91 which isn’t that good really.
I suspect the doc will be on the phone tomorrow. I hope so.
“er indoors TM sorted a rather good dinner using up the last of the Christmas parsnips. Parsnips lower blood pressure apparently.
And in closing today I’ve spent quite a bit of today thinking about my brother. He left home at half past four this morning to get to Brighton for a six o’clock pickup. The coach then took him to Old Trafford for the football where he watched Brighton and Hove Albion beat Man City. He’s now on the way back and expects to be home shortly after midnight.

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