
15 January 2025 (Wednesday) - More Self-Indulgent Whinging

Well, there’s no denying I’ve got the arse. Last night I got “er indoors TM to stick her arm in my new blood pressure machine. I won’t say what her numbers were, but I will say that according to official figures she is rather normal, whilst I would seem to have stage two hypertension.
It is all rather funny really; having been reasonably healthy for years, now that I know I have high blood pressure I’m feeling all sorts of twinges in my chest. I’m sure it is entirely psychosomatic, but it goes to show, doesn’t it? Mind you I have no idea what it goes to show, but it must go to show something.
According to  if the measurements carry on as they are at the moment, the quack will probably prescribe blood pressure medication and lifestyle changes. I suppose I’m long overdue to start on the statins; so many people that I know are on them. And as for lifestyle changes… another diet in the first instance. More exercise? How many four-mile dog walks can I do? But maybe this might be a way of getting out of night shifts?
This morning I had granola for brekkie rather than toast, but that did nothing for my blood pressure which was slightly up on yesterday evening’s reading.
I watched an episode of “Poldark”, then had a little look at the Internet as I do. It was still there. Amazingly it isn’t filled with adverts about blood pressure yet.
It was very dark and foggy as I set off to work, but having no ice to scrape from the car was something of a result. I stopped off at the co-op for a sandwich then headed off west-wards through the -hursts and the -dens to Pembury.  As I drove I listened to the pundits on the radio spouting their drivel. There was quite a bit of coverage of "Yesterday in Parliament" which spoke volumes about our parliamentary democracy. Quite a few matters were supposedly under discussion, but each so-called debate went the same way. Someone would make a point, and having made that point someone else would launch a personal attack on them. A pal of the first speaker would then slag off whoever had made that attack, and so it continued. Not a bad way to pass your time; especially when you're getting ninety grand a year (plus expenses) for doing so.
There was also talk with some emeritus professor of medicine who felt that BMI was a rather crap way to measure obesity, as all it does is compare weight and height and according to BMI, many top athletes would seem to be porkers. The chap then went on to say that fat people should be on weight loss medication for life. That might be me in a week or so.
I got to work for the early and had a chat with the boss about blood pressure and night work. I've been referred to the occupational health people.
I then I had a Red Alert. They are far more nerve-wracking and far less exciting than watching Star Trek might have you believe. And if that wasn't enough to put my blood pressure through the roof, the insurance company phoned and said that our ongoing electrical issue isn't covered in the policy and that we will have to pay for having the ongoing problems repaired ourselves.
Being on an early I got out early. Being at Pembury I didn’t get home that early. Interestingly despite a rather stressful day my evening systolic blood pressure was fifteen wotsits less than my morning one had been. A shame I couldn’t say the same about the diastolic, but such is life.
“er indoors TM boiled up fajitas which we washed down with a bottle of merlot. Red wine is good for your blood pressure apparently.

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