
13 January 2025 (Monday) - FTF in Perry Wood

“er indoors TM woke me shortly after eight o’clock this morning; I was mumbling in my sleep apparently.
I got up, made toast and had my usual root around the Internet. Last night someone had posted to Facebook openly saying that the entire COVID pandemic was one big hoax staged in order to inject the masses with the vaccines for no reason that they were prepared to divulge. I squealed the comment to Facebook; they said it didn’t go against their community standards. I asked for a review. This morning they confirmed that posting factually incorrect anti-vax propaganda doesn’t go against their community standards.
Ho hum…
And then I had a text from the doctor who wants me to monitor my blood pressure at home. How am I supposed to do that? I went on Amazon and ordered up a home-testing device which should arrive tomorrow.
I was just about to take the dogs to Kings Wood for our morning walk when I had an email about a new geocache in the car park at Perry Woods. So we went to Perry Woods instead where after a quick First to Find we had a little walk round the woods. I must admit I’m not overly keen on Perry Woods for a walk. From experience it is rather up hill and down hill. The car park is in the middle of the woods so you are never really very far from a road. There are pheasants all over the place. And it seems to be rather muddy at this time of year too.
But we had a good walk. The dogs came back when called… far more promptly than they did the last time we were there.
As we got back to the car park so a car pulled up with some familiar faces inside. The chap who is usually First to Find on all local geocaches had taken his time today. We had a little chat, then came home where the dogs had a tummy wash and went to sleep. I sorted a cuppa for me and “er indoors TM.
I eventually got Wordle right, then had a look in the garden
Over the spring, summer and autumn I spent a lot of my spare time pootling in the garden. It is a tad too cold to pootle now, and I don’t want to fiddle about too much in case I disturb hibernating bugs. But I harvested dog dung then gently broke up the ice on the ponds. Then I went round harvesting the dog turds I’d missed earlier before trimming back the overgrowth from next door’s rose bushes. Now that it is winter I could get to the thicker branches to hack them back. I don’t like hacking her overgrowth as relations aren’t peachy at the best of times, but last summer their roses reached half-way across our garden.
I went round with the dog dung bucket a third time; you’d never believe how many turds three small dogs produce. And then I pulled the off stones which were glued to the little membranes which I bought last summer.
Having spent a couple of hours pootling I came in, scoffed a crumpet for lunch, then sent out over fifty invites to next month’s geo-event. We’re having an afternoon at the scout hut playing board games.
I wrote up some CPD and struggled with geo-puzzles until my phone beeped. I had a friend request on Facebook… apparently from “er indoors TM. Someone had set up a fake account in her name. And then my phone beeped again. Gordon had also had a similar friend request on Facebook. We both reported the fake profile, and the Facebook feds deleted the account in minutes. I’ve seen quite a few of these fake accounts; someone once even set one up in my name. I suppose people create these accounts to get access to other people who are their friends, and can try to scam them from a position of supposed trust.
“er indoors TM boiled up dinner then went bowling. I watched more “Poldark” in which Verity was giving the sea captain the come-on, and Elizabeth wasn’t saying no to George quite as forcefully as she might.
Meanwhile Dr Ennis  was confronted with a heaving chest…
I might watch another episode in a minute…


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