
28 December 2024 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Games Night

I woke feeling refreshed, full of energy and raring to go only to find it was only ten past one. I then dozed on and off for the rest of the night eventually giving up and getting up to watch another episode of “Victoria” in the small hours. Was Prince Albert actually illegitimate? Probably not.
I had a little look at the Internet as I do most mornings. It was much the same as ever with the truly stupid again queuing up to proudly show off their ignorance. I’ve taken to following an early retirement Facebook page which regularly has people in their early fifties posting to it. Having made no pension provision whatsoever these people are all asking what is the secret to taking an early retirement, and are all getting quite aggressive when they realise they’ve left pension provision about thirty years too late.
Mind you there has been a minor disaster at the goat sanctuary. Having had an influx of over twenty new goats just before Christmas, they’ve had an outbreak of Orf and so have had to close to any visitors until that passes. That will leave them rather short for the next few weeks so if anyone has any spare bunce, you can send them a donation by clicking here.
I munzed, got Wordle on the fourth attempt, then we all got ready for Dog Club.
We drove round to Repton – the dogs started squealing when they realised where we were going. Being the Saturday between Christmas and New Year I wondered if we’d have much of a turn-out; I counted sixteen dogs at one point. A good time was had by all; even if some of our number were rather “frisky”.
We came home. “er indoors TM went shopping; I watched more “Victoria” and then my cousin sent a message. Her father had had a stroke overnight. These things always happen at Christmas.
We watched the Christmas “Gavin and Stacey” which was rather good, and then twenty minutes of “Carry on Camping” which was frankly dreadful fifty years ago and has just got worse with time.
Chris arrived with the Infinity Table, and just as it was set up so Steve and Sarah arrived. We had a rather good games night. “Game of Life”,  “Sorry”, “Ticket to Ride” and scoff as well. Chicken doughnuts were rather good.
I do like our games nights.
Today would have been my mum’s birthday…

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