
15 December 2024 (Sunday) - Lydd

I woke with a minor headache. I blame the fifth pint of Harvey’s best. And then I found myself pondering a mystery. When we went to Battle the other evening I was busting for a tiddle all the way home after one pint. After five pints yesterday we drove from Hastings to home via Folkestone and I was fine. What was that all about?
I got up and opened today’s window of the Advent Calendar. I got a rabbit today. That gave me something to ponder as I scoffed toast and rummaged round the Internet.
I had a friend request on Facebook this morning seemingly from an old mucker from way back. However my old mate had posted on his real Facebook page that someone was using his name in a fake account, and asked people to report the fake. I reported it. Within seconds I had a message from the Facebook feds saying this forgery went against their community standards and they were going to remove the fake profile... A minute later I had another message saying they decided it didn't go against their community standards and they weren’t going to remove it...
And science has found something odd going on in space. Apparently the universe isn’t doing what science says it should be doing. This is actually amazing and of monumental importance. This is akin to finding that the world isn’t flat. But sadly the masses are more interested in Taylor Swift, Strictly Come Dancing, tits and bingo.
We took the dogs out for a little walk. We went to Lydd where there’s a new geocaching adventure lab series and quite a few Munzees too. The dogs behaved (mostly); there were no normal people swarming. A good outing.
On the way there and back we picked up some of the puzzle geocaches I spent ages struggling to solve over the last few months. The puzzle is that you are told the distance and bearing that a geocache is from the point at which a given photograph was taken. All you have to do is find exactly where the photograph was taken. The obvious way to find out was to do a virtual drive around the Romney Marsh using Google Street View, but sadly much of the footage of the Romney Marsh on Google Street View is from over ten years ago, but I got there in the end.
Like all puzzles they were easy when you knew the answer.
We came home and had an argument with the Alexa. We wanted some festive Christmas music. The Alexa wanted to play dire dirges. Telling it “Alexa – play Christmas music that isn’t entirely crap” didn’t help. We tried all sorts of commands and still it wanted to play frankly dreadful rubbish.
In the end the Alexa not so much won the fight as I gave up with it.
“er indoors TM boiled up bacon sarnies. I then slobbed on the sofa scoffing them and reading my Kindle app until the voices in my head came up with today’s instalment of the Advent story. And then we met with a minor disaster. We are probably going to have to turn off the water tomorrow. I can distinctly remember a conversation with the chap who did the new kitchen when we talked of how he would build the cupboards so’s we could get to the stopcock. Sadly he didn’t.
And then the doorbell rang. Some delivery chap was on the doorstep. He thrust a package into my hand and then jabbered about credit cards. The package was warm. Someone somewhere had ordered a takeout to be delivered. Occasionally we get stuff delivered for Beaver Lane (as opposed to “Road”) so I asked him did he want Beaver Lane or Beaver Road. “Yes” he replied with a dopey smile. It soon became apparent that the chap’s spoken English was as good as my spoken Urdu. With no address on the parcel there wasn’t much else I could do but loudly announce “wrong house”, put the package back in his hands and close the door on him.
“er indoors TM sorted some rather good enchiladas which we washed down with a bottle of Jacktone merlot. At £3.99 a bottle from Aldi you really can’t complain.
As we scoffed we watched the semi-final of “Lego Masters: Australia”. It was rather good…

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