
11 September 2024 (Wednesday) - Dentist, Sunset, Kebab

“er indoors TM and Treacle had some sort of altercation at three o'clock, and I didn't really get back to sleep after that. I eventually gave up laying in my pit, got up and as I scoffed toast I watched another episode of "Brassic" in which our heroes went camping. Him who played "Grumio" in "Plebs" was all for the Great Outdoors, gave himself dodgy guts from eating iffy berries and earned himself the sobriquet "Shitticus Maximus" which left me giggling all day. Meanwhile the ladies stayed at home and went thieving.
Much as I like the show it seems to have run out of steam. Why would all the lads go camping when not one of them actually wants to go camping? And having been the voice of reason and decency for four seasons, why does the leading lady take all the others thieving when she's been so outspoken about it previously.
And there was another major issue... one of the characters claimed to have been thrown out of the cubs. As a cub leader of thirteen years, take it from me. No one in the history of scouting has *ever* been thrown out of cubs. The leaders love the problem children and bend over backwards for them.
Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs snoring I set off for work. As I drove there was talk on the radio about last night's televised debate between the candidates for the upcoming American presidential election. Apparently Donald Trump made an idiot of himself (again), but the pundits seemed to feel that was expected. In the end the most important thing to emerge about the election didn't come from the debate at all though. Apparently Taylor Swift has announced that she is going to vote for Kamala Harris, and because she is voting that way, so will millions of her followers as well. Democracy eh, Can't beat it...
I got to work and cracked on as I do. It wasn't a bad day really; there was cake. I'm a great fan of the stuff. But cake notwithstanding I was out the door like a shot at the stroke of going home time.
I came home, brushed my teeth and went to the dentist for a check-up. The chap rooted about in my gob, gave me the thumbs-up and told me to see the hygienist in a couple of weeks’ time. He said I should come back in six months’ time for X-rays when he would think about replacing fillings.
We then drove down to Folkestone for our mid-week walk along the lees. The channel was the clearest I’ve ever seen it. We had a little walk, but only a little one; it was rather cold. And it got dark ridiculously early. We drove home into the sunset.
Being a bit late home we had kebab for dinner. It was rather good. We scoffed it whilst watching the penultimate episode of “The Traitors US”. For all that it is supposedly reality TV, the contestants were getting rather nasty with each other…

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