
30 July 2024 (Tuesday) - Another Early Shift

I had a far better night’s sleep last night but was still wide awake before five o’clock. I got up, made toast and had a little look at the Internet as I do. Several people were posting holiday photos. It would seem that there’s ticks at the Mega-Geo-Event, people were grumbling about the pensioners in their households not getting a winter fuel allowance.
I put out some virtual Munzees at today’s planned geo-event at Eastbourne beach. From the Mega-Geo-Event to Eastbourne is an hour’s drive (according to Google)… I feel sorry for those who’ve planned months in advance to come to this Mega, travelled miles (many internationally) and have found that by using public transport (without their own car) they’ve rather wasted their time and money.
I got Wordle on the fifth attempt, then set off to work. I went via the petrol station at the Ashford Sainsburys. As usual the woman on the till had a face like a smacked arse. She always looks so miserable. You'd think she'd jack it in and go get a job that she doesn't hate quite so much, wouldn't you?
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were talking about what the latest Chancellor of the Exchequer has been up to. She's effectively decided to do away with the pensioner vote and suck up to the NHS workers by giving them a pay rise funded (in part) from the winter heating allowance.
Mind you not all of the NHS workers are happy. The average NHS worker looks set to get a five and a half per cent pay rise but the nurses have got the arse because the junior doctors are getting four times that. Personally I remember the strikes of the early 80s when we all stood together until the nurses got a socking great pay rise at which point they gave two fingers to everyone else, went back to work and the united NHS work force collapsed.
It's just a shame that the vast majority of nurses involved with that have long since retired.
There was also talk about the stabbing in Merseyside in which it would seem someone or other went absolutely psycho with a knife in a children's dance studio. The local MP was on the radio this morning asking that people didn't spread speculation and rumours on social media. I suppose the chap's got a point, but it strikes me that if an arrest has been made and the chap who did it has been caught, why don't the authorities put him in the stocks in the town centre and let people throw rocks at them? Seriously. Why not?
Meanwhile the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics has been postponed on account of there being too many turds floating down the Seine. Or so the French water quality expert being interviewed claimed. He blamed it all on the heavy rains of last week, but was rather vague on the details. Personally I can't see how that works. Are there turds in rainwater? Or are there random turds sitting about the riverbank which get washed in by the rain?
Work was work, but being on another early shift meant I got out early. My car’s thermometer told me it was thirty-two degrees as I left the works car park. The car park is always warm, but it didn’t get below twenty-nine degrees once on the journey home.
Road works meant it took nearly half an hour longer to get home than it might have done, but there it is. I had another blast round the patio with the pressure washer, watered the plants and fed the fish. As I pootled I saw that the sweet peas had flowered. Well, one flower, but that’s a start.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of steak which we washed down with a bottle of plonk.
Hopefully that might make me sleep…

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