
21 July 2024 (Sunday) - Dull

I woke feeling like death warmed up, got up and tripped over Treacle who was laying on the floor.
I made toast and scoffed it whilst watching an episode of "Boomers" which was rather excruciating, then had a quick look at the Internet to see if I'd missed anything overnight. I hadn't really.
The roads were rather quiet and deserted as I drove to work this morning. No one wants to be up and about at half past seven on a Sunday, do they?
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the upcoming American Presidential election. It would seem that last week's failed assassination attempt has effectively handed the election to Donald Trump.
He and his supporters are claiming that his survival was God's will, and apparently millions are gullible enough to believe it. Have I ever said that democracy is a silly idea.
There was also talk about how Third World countries have got the hump as more and more Western governments are putting conditions on the aid money they are sending. Apparently some see it as gross interference with their native culture when an aid package will only be given if a certain country stops persecuting gays or starts educating girls.
Funny old world...
And it would seem I'm going to get an above-inflation pay rise. I can remember being told (over forty years ago) that NHS workers got below inflation pay rises from Conservative governments and above inflation pay rises from Labour governments. Back in the day that might have been true, but I can't remember the Labour governments of twenty years ago being very generous. This lot might be, but there's also talk of their taxing pensions. Ho hum...
I got to work a tad earlier than I might have done, and went to the works canteen to treat myself to the cooked breakfast. I say "treat myself"... it was a tad grim and gave me a stomach ache which lasted some time.
Work was work; weekend working is always odd. The place seems strangely empty with only a skeleton staff in. But I was only working the morning. I was home by early afternoon. I got home to find the pond’s water level was down by six inches. A minor issue with the bog filter; I had hoped to replace it all in the late autumn. I might need to get a move on with it.
I ran out the hose pipe to top up the pond, and whilst I was at it I gave the plants a splash. And found a dead sparrow in one of the planters. I was rather amazed that the dogs hadn’t found it. Bailey would have eaten it; she is quite foul sometimes.
I then sat on the sofa… and woke up with neck ache an hour later. “er indoors TM sorted some lamb chops and we scoffed them whilst watching more episodes of “Meet the Richardsons”. The show started well a few seasons ago, but it’s running out of steam. Bit like me, really.

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