
13 July 2024 (Saturday) - Rather Busy

I slept reasonably well; of all the dogs little Bailey takes up an awful lot of bed space when she puts her mind to it.
I made toast and had a look at a rather dull internet. Not much was going on at all really. I spent a few minutes wrestling with a geocaching puzzle that went live yesterday. I have an idea what it is all about, but turning that idea into longitude and latitude wasn’t going as well as it might until I had a sudden stroke of genius. Ironically with no finds having been logged I might have had a First to Find, but I wouldn’t have got to the Romney Marsh and back before Dog Club…
We drove to Dog Club. As we drove Steve was on the radio doing the guess the lyrics competition. I didn’t have a clue.
Dog club was fun. Pogo came along. He spent the first few minutes on his lead as he was finding it all a bit too much, but after a few minutes he joined in. All dogs find it a bit much to begin with, but soon get the hang of it.
As we came home I got the Mystery Year competition right on the second attempt. When was the last Jeeves and Wooster series made for the telly? 1990.
“er indoors TM set off to craft club. I took the dogs home and had a busy morning. I washed the fox poo off of Bailey, hung out the washing and put more in, generally tidied up and threw away, and ran round with the Hoover. By the time “er indoors TM came back from craft club I was worn out.
We loaded ourselves and the dogs into the car and set off to Tudeley; a small village near Tonbridge. We took mostly the route I take when working on Pembury, and as always the roads were a nightmare with totally unnecessary temporary traffic lights seemingly everywhere. But we weren’t *that* late.
We had a rather good afternoon sitting in the sunshine drinking beer and port and chatting… up until the torrential rain stopped play.
Amazingly I stayed awake as we drove home, and it wasn’t long before Steve, Sarah and Chris came round and we had a very good evening on the Infinity tale playing “Sorry”, “Ticket to Ride” and Game of Life”.
A very good day…

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