
27 June 2024 (Thursday) - Washing and Crosswords

I slept like a log last night. Not surprising I suppose. I put a load of washing into scrub, and as I leant over so a minor torrent of blood-stained snot poured out of my conk. I shaved as best I could, made toast and tried to scoff it despite a rather sore gob. As I peered into the Internet I saw loads of people had sent best wishes, which was rather touching.
I had a little rummage in the Internet as I do. Some idiot woman was asking (on one of the Facebook pond-related pages) where people get the water to top up their ponds during dry periods. Her pond was suffering from evaporation and she didn’t see why she should have to pay to fill her pond; she was on a water meter. I considered suggesting asking the nice man at Tesco for freebie bottles of Evian, but thought better of doing so.
Still feeling under the weather I planned on something of a lazy day for today. I loaded up the washing machine and set it going whilst I sat in the garden, and in between dozing I carried on with the crossword puzzle book I took into hospital with me yesterday. And with washing washed I hung it out, put more in, and did more crosswords until the second lot was done. And then did a third lot. And a fourth. In between crosswords and dozing.
By then it was late afternoon. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” boiled up a rather good bit of lasagne which “My Boy TM” and Cheryl came round to help us eat. It was good to have the tribe gathered; it was a shame I wasn’t feeling on top form.
A fifth load of washing is currently going through the machine. My face hurts and I feel worn out.

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