18 June 2024 (Tuesday) - Dull

I wasn’t feeling on top form when I went to my pit last night; I felt rather grim when I woke, but I got up in the hope I might perk up. I made toast, watched the second episode of “Tires” then had a look at the Internet.
People from Lydd were up in arms because CCTV cameras had appeared on the high street. And some silly woman on one of the 1980s-related Facebook pages was having a rant at anyone who had the same name as someone who is or was famous and was daring to use their name on social media. Clearly they were either pretending to be that famous person, or trying to confuse the public, or so this idiot maintained.
I got dressed, then popped to the back garden to have a look at the little pond. The filter pump was running just as it had been last night. Removing that foam seems to have improved the flow... but will it have poggered the water clarity? Time will tell - it always does.
As I drove to work the pundits on the radio were interviewing people who run hotels and pubs in Edinburgh. The hospitality sector there is dying on its arse. With all the eastern European workers having long since gone home after Brexit, it seems no one is prepared to work in Edinburgh's pubs and cafes and hotels for minimum wage. To try to raise money to entice locals to work the prices have had to go up. A portion of fish and chips there now costs over twenty-five quid, and a pint of beer is over seven quid. Consequently hardly anyone is eating out there any more. As the woman being interviewed said it wasn't as though we didn't see this coming...
Meanwhile world leaders are rather concerned that the Russian premiere Vladimir Putin is meeting up with the leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un. Having been bullied and ostracised by the rest of the world for so long, it's hardly surprising that these two would be looking at forming an alliance, is it? Western leaders are concerned that North Korea will supply Russia with weapons for its ongoing war in Ukraine. No one commented that the Russians are probably equally concerned that the Western world is supplying Ukraine with weapons for its war with Russia.
What goes around comes around.
Yesterday as I drove to work I realised I'd forgotten to make a sandwich. I forgot again today. Having been rather disappointed with what I got from M&S yesterday, this morning I went to Sainsburys this morning and got a far better meal deal for one pound fifty cheaper. It was a shame that Sainsburys comes with the miserable old bat glaring at you as you fight with the self-service tills, but you can't have everything.
Work was work. I had a good day I suppose, but I was glad when it was home time. It was a shame that the “road improvements” meant it took me half an hour longer to get home that it usually does. Once home we did “Feed The Fish” and I harvested a bumper crop of dog turds from the garden. How can three small dogs generate so much dung?
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good pasta bake which we scoffed whilst watching a couple of episodes of “Race Across the World”. A couple of days ago I mentioned I’d taken an instant dislike to some of the teams… I’ve refined that dislike to one member of each of two teams.
Yesterday I said I was developing a sore throat…Having spent all day in the hope I might perk up I didn’t and I generally just feel “bleaugh” now… 


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