
30 May 2024 (Thursday) - Littleport

Bearing in mind just how awful the weather has been this week and how utterly unreliable the BBC weather app on my phone has been, this morning as everyone else was fast asleep I deleted it and replaced it with an app from the Met Office.
That only took half an hour to do.
Eventually everyone was up and about and scoffing a rather good full English brekkie. With iffy weather being threatened by my new weather app we felt it best not to be marching through the mud today so an urban walk would be ideal. We drove up to the village of Littleport where we wandered about finding various geocaches as we went on between the downpours.
As we came to the end of our walk we called in to the Downham Isle brewery; a strange place operated by some old boy out of an extension at the back of his house. We got some beer, and as everyone else looked for a geocache in the car park I went to get some port. I’d had problems getting the stuff yesterday and today was equally problematical. I went into the village off-licence…
“Have you got any port?”
“This is an off-licence?”
“Do you speak English?”
So I went to the village shop.
“Have you got any port?”
“A fortified wine?!
Eventually the co-op came up trumps.
We came back to base where it was raining. I cracked open a bottle of the beer I’d got. The chap at the brewery had warned up it was lively… the stuff was nothing but froth. Having wasted a bottle I eventually found the way to drink it was to uncap the bottle and leave it standing in the sink with froth gushing out of the bottle. Eventually after ten minutes the froth would go and I’d be left with between a third and a half pint of not-bad beer.
As the rain continued to fall we spent the rest of the afternoon playing “Ticket to Ride” and “Sorry” until it was dinner time. We had some rather good burgers, but having scoffed far too much together with the yeast from the bottle conditioned beers has left me with a rather dodgy stomach.
I took a few photos today. I also spent an inordinate amount of time farting, I hope this sorts itself out.

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