
27 May 2024 (Monday) - Wardy Hill

Morgan was stomping about at four o’clock. I took him for a widdle, then went back to bed. He went straight to sleep; me not so.
Over brekkie there was a lot of checking weather forecasts going on. In the end we decided on a shorter walk for today, and with brekkie scoffed we set off on a short drive to Wardy Hill to walk it. The route was flat, and alternated between dry terrain and knee deep swamps. It was a good walk; it was only a shame that the puppies disappeared into so many thickets.
As always our route followed a series of geocaches. Having been put out some time ago this geo-series was somewhat old-school; there were twelve geocaches where I would have put twenty-five. I don’t want to sound critical, but the hides could have done with something better in the way of hints. “On the ground” or “Not on the ground” isn’t really enough if the difficultly is going to be set at “easy” level.
With beer supplies running low (actually run out) we came back to base via a farm shop in the naïve hope of getting some rather good local beers. Sadly the farm shop didn’t do beer; like all farm shops it was selling massively overpriced stuff to people who won’t spent a quid if they can spend two. If you want to pay over the odds for Arse and Dandelion cordial then this was the shop for you.
We drove up the road to the local Spar and got more beer than sense.
We came back to base, had a light lunch and sat in the garden for ten minutes until the rain hit before retreating in. Jigsaws came out, and I slept through the entire assembly of the jigsaw; eventually waking in time for a rather good dinner,
With dinner scoffed we got out the Infinity Table again and played “Ticket to Ride” until it was long past my bed time.
I took a few photos during the day. I’m worn out now…

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