
24 May 2024 (Friday) - Dinner with Darcie

I slept rather well. I made toast and peered into the Internet. An ex-colleague was having a birthday today. Someone with whom I worked very closely for over twenty years, and who I’ve only seen twice in the last ten years. I can distinctly remember meeting him in the town centre once and my mother taking an instant dislike to him. When I used to work with him another colleague had the same birthday; a particularly lonely, vicious and nasty woman who eventually moved away to the Midlands. I wonder whatever happened to her?
There was an interesting post on the local newspaper’s Facebook page about how the local outlet shopping centre has put up parking fees. Judging how people queue up hundreds of yards just to get into the car park it looks like a license to print money. Among the squabble was a comment from a local Green councillor mentioning how expensive local council-run car parks are. Rather odd; bearing in mind the local council is run by an alliance of the Greens and independents.
I got the leads on to the dogs and set off to the woods. As we drove the pundits on the radio were interviewing the leader of the opposition. He looks set to be the next Prime Minister for the simple reason that he currently appears to be the least crap option. However for all that he kept on about having a plan, he didn’t want to commit himself to very much.
We got to the woods to find the car park was heaving. Apparently loads of teenagers were setting off on their Duke of Edinburgh Award hike this weekend. I would like to have had a go at that. When in the Boys Brigade we were always told that what we were doing was “D of E standard”, but no Duke of Edinburgh awards were ever forthcoming. Presumably D of E didn’t have enough god-bothering for the Boys Brigade?
As we walked we saw two separate herds of deer. Or that is I did. The dogs missed both.
We had a good walk; the wildlife was really active today, Birds, deer, squirrels…and then the young mothers and dogs running group came through, Spaced out over a couple of hundred yards with those at the front bellowing a conversation to those at the back they were making enough noise to wake the dead.
We didn’t see anything wildlife-related after that.
We came home; a quick cuppa and I set off to Folkestone for a cheeky Subway with “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and “Darcie Waa Waa TM”. And with Subway scoffed we went to McDonalds for McFlurries.
I came home via the Folkestone Tesco where again everyone seemed to think they were the only person in the place. How do these people manage to blunder around utterly oblivious to everyone else around them?
Once home I did the monthly accounts. Could be better (am I wrong in wanting to have far too much money) but they could be a whole lot worse.
And then we for ready for next week...
The bags are packed, Bailey’s had a shave, the house-sitter is in place… early start tomorrow. If there’s no wi-fi in Cambridge I shall be back in a week or so…

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