
2 May 2024 (Thursday) - Laundry, Telly

The kebab didn’t sit well at all last night; I lay awake with stomach ache for hour after hour. I eventually got up hoping that some toast night settle it. As I scoffed toast I peered into the Internet.
I had yet another dubious friend request on Facebook. After so many of the “wipe-clean” and “chest-brandishing” variety, this one was from a rather demure-looking young lady. At first sight she looked like the sort that your mother would be pleased to see you bringing home.
Sadly, in her Facebook profile she tells the world that she is a “free sexo prostitutes”, and she has a web site. I considered clicking on the link, but my anti-virus suggested I shouldn’t.
There wasn’t a lot else going on on-line.
I took the dogs up to the woods for our morning constitutional. We did our usual circuit of the woods. As we walked I noticed something – a tick was crawling over Treacle’s head. A horrible great big thing. I flicked it off before it had time to latch on.
I collect their tick collars from the vet tomorrow.
Yesterday we met loads of people as we walked; today it was off-road cyclists. All friendly and civil… just loads of them. We got back to the car park to find loads of people gathering. Clearly an organized group was getting together. I asked who they were – apparently the Leeds Valley Walkers. It struck me that the most noticeable thing about them was that with over thirty people along, not one had a dog.
We came home. Bellies were washed, and Bailey had a more substantial scrub as she’d been rolling in something disgusting. And then I had something of a (relatively) lazy day. With “er indoors TM at the office today I put washing in to scrub, did the ironing, hung out washing, put more in to scrub… all in between watching “The English Game” on Netflix; a rather good drama about football in the late nineteenth century.
As I watched telly and ironed the doorbell rang. My long service award from work had arrived. A Lego train set which may well form the centerpiece of a re-vamped Lego layout in the attic room, and the Lego piano. That will keep me busy.
Despite a relatively lazy day I’ve still cleared nearly twelve thousand steps today. Mind you one thing I didn’t do today was to vote. Today was the election for Kent’s police commissioner. There’s no denying that I have absolutely no confidence in the local police. During the current incumbent’s term I’ve been told by a serving policeman that it is perfectly acceptable for members of the public to whip my dogs with brambles (after an episode in Orlestone), and the police flatly refused to get involved when Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM’s father was knocked off his bike and run over; despite the whole thing recorded on dashcam.
However what is the alternative? The Liberal Democrat candidate says a lot of words without actually saying anything, and the Labour candidate is sticking to Labour’s standard party line of “vote for us – we aren’t as bad as the others”. I considered going up to the voting office and drawing a great big knob on the ballot paper (I’ve done that before!) but thought better of it.
I’m hoping for a better night tonight…

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