
19 May 2024 (Sunday) - Littlun Stayed Over

I slept rather well last night. With “er indoors TM and the dogs up in the attic room with littlun I didn’t have to spent the night fighting for bed space. I had one or two vivid dreams about my time at the Open University summer schools thirty years ago when I made some rather good friends… and what with there being no social media other than knowing someone’s phone number in those days, I’ve lost touch with all of them. We had some good times; I wonder what happened to them all.
There was a minor commotion as everyone got up. “er indoors TM had spotted a tick on Bailey’s head. So while “Darcie Waa Waa TM ran riot we got the thing out of her, and put the tick collars onto all the dogs. We’ve had the collars for a couple of weeks; this prompted us to put the things on to them. Did the tick come from the deer at Kings Wood? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t there Friday. She *might* have got it from paddock at Dog Club. The grass is getting rather long there and she’s rather low-down….
As littlun ran riot so I escaped to the garden. Both pond filters were running slowly so I cleaned them out. I did it slightly differently this time… I’d had a stroke of genius. Rather then running the waste hose from the big pond filter to the drain I ran it to the monkey-puzzle tree. Instead of pouring the fishy fertilizer to waste I thought it might do the tree some good. And then once I’d cleaned out the filter in the little pond I used the water from that cleaning to slosh away any residue round the tree.
I shall watch that tree for a day or so to see if it perks up or croaks.
Talking of croaking, my cordyline isn’t looking very good. Mind you it’s not looked good for some time. I took off the manky-looking leaves. Perhaps I pruned it a tad too vigorously? Time will tell; it always does.
My Boy TM” and Cheryl came to visit littlun; they stayed for a while. It was good to catch up. I outlined my plans for expanding the bog filter. The first fruit of my loins seemed to agree with my thinking.
They set off, and littlun spent quite a while warning the world about the monster that (apparently) lives in the shed. I didn’t know there was a monster in there. One lives and learns.
We loaded up ourselves and littlun and the dogs and took her home. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” had set up a paddling pool for littlun, so knowing the dogs would jump in and tear it with their claws we took them off for a little walk up the Leas. An ice cream would have been nice… we found a little kiosk selling ice creams. The tribe in front of me in the queue waited until they were at the counter before even looking at the choices, and then couldn’t decide. Father chose for them, and that started an argument. Add to that the woman behind the till was worse than useless; every ice cream she prepared was as though it was her first. Which flavour is which? Where are the cones? Where is the scoop? Sticking ice cream into a cone should have taken her ten to fifteen seconds’ it was taking two to three minutes. We walked away; life is too short to waste like that. We walked up to the bandstand and back, and saw the queue at the kiosk growing and growing. A shame really; there was no need for a queue. If that were my kiosk I’d employ people who could actually do the job.
Just as I got home so my phone beeped. “My Boy TM” had found a decent second-hand bath on Facebook Marketplace for fifteen quid. A couple of messages, a little drive, and I’ve got the first part of the expanded bog filter.
What with all the excitement of having had littlun to stay, time was pressing on, so “er indoors TM popped up the road to the kebab shop for dinner. We scoffed kebabs whilst watching more “Taskmaster”. I like kebab… but this one isn’t sitting very well.

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