
14 May 2024 (Tuesday) - Another Day at Work

Having every intention of an early night last night I fell asleep in front of the telly and woke shortly after elven o’clock. I went to bed and slept through till ten past three and lay awake until I finally gave up trying to sleep.
I made toast and watched another episode of “Missions” in which the ghost of Mars took over our heroes’ spaceship, and now looks set to chum up with the space pirates from NASA.
Did I mention this French TV show seems to have lost something in translation?
I had a quick look at the Internet. It was much the same as ever, so I got ready for the off. It was raining as I walked to my car. As I'd parked a little way away I thought I might do my daily Munzee stroll in which a magical unicorn gambols up the road scattering magical stars as it goes (there's no mucking about in Munzee). I set Cappy the magical unicorn going, and it pissed off in entirely the wrong direction.
So much for that idea.
I got to the car and set off to work. As I drove there was talk about Parliament trying to sort itself out. there was a vote last night in which it had been suggested that the merest hint of scandal should be enough to have MPs banned from the House of Commons.
Fortunately that plan was scuppered; MPs have to be formally arrested before getting hoiked out. But the vote was close; only one vote in it.
But can you imagine the chaos in a system by which any hint of scandal gets MPs banned? That was tried with great success by Titus Oates four hundred years ago when he put the skids under every political enemy he had. Titus soon found that the mere hint of impropriety was enough to have his rivals removed from power and stuffed up for life.
I'm reminded of my days in the Scout Association. Before the CRB checks on new leaders came in, the Scout Association used to have an extensive archive of back copies of the old scandal-hunting paper "News of the World" and employed people to go through them looking for any dirt on potential new leaders.
Work was work. But being on an early meant an early finish. I came home through the rain, did the “Feed the Fish” ceremony with the dogs, and had a look at the water cress I’d thrown into the floating baskets last Friday. The stuff had already sprouted. I took a few photos of the cress and the bog filter and added it to the album of photos of the pond; the thing has certainly kept me busy over the years.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the first episode of the new season of “Doctor Who”. Sadly it would seem that special effects are now the way forward. Back in the day the sets wobbled and the monster was a man in a rubber suit. There was no way round that, so the writers wrote a plot.
It would do the show no end of good if the writers did that again. But having had a whinge, this episode was probably one of the best of those of the last few years. Here’s hoping…

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