
4 January 2023 (Wednesday) - Guts Ache

I woke in a cold sweat after a nightmare in which “er indoors TM wanted to go to Spain to buy a "hooky motor" from Boycie out of "Only Fools and Horses". Neither the fact that Boycie didn't operate out of Spain nor the logistics of getting a "hooky motor" back to the UK from Spain were in any way stumbling blocks to her plan.
I sorted the puppies, made toast and had a look at the Internet. The Facebook page about "Normalising Atheism" has rather become an obsession for me at the moment; some people really do believe stark staring nonsense. Today some woman was apologizing for giving up being an atheist. She was taking up some brand of happy-clappy Christianity not because she believed in it at all (she actually thought it was all a load of laughable twaddle), but because she liked what it was promising and it made her happy, even though she said she didn't actually believe any of it. She went on to say that the leader of the church she’d joined was quite clear that you didn't have to believe any of it to be a member of the church.
I was reminded of my time in the Methodist church where so many people went along for the social aspect (and because it was fun and entertaining) rather than out of any religious convictions.
I had a little Munzee mission before work. Again I stopped outside the train station. Despite the strike, all the lights were on in the place. There goes the environment. eh? The pundits on the radio had much the same idea this morning with talk about how ski resorts are currently shutting up shop and people are on the beaches in Spain this week as Europe is having a winter heatwave
There was also a lot of talk about the Prime Minister's announcement that everyone will have maths education (of some sort) until they are eighteen years old...  despite there not being anywhere near enough teachers to deliver this. This was not unlike the talk which followed about the current NHS crisis. It doesn't matter how much money the government throws  at the NHS if there aren't enough staff. This was painfully illustrated in an interview on the radio with the head honcho of one of the NHS Trusts in East Anglia who spoke of nurses packing it all up because they can get more money for less hours doing a far less stressful job filling the shelves in Sainsburys.
I got to work... I've always said that I like the early shifts but I am fast going off of them. They are getting to be too much like hard work.
When the work eased up a bit I phoned British Gas to talk about Dad's gas bill. As the sale of the house is dragging on a tad I thought it best to set up a direct debit to pay for the gas and leccie until we sell the place. So easy to say, such arse-ache to do. The nice lady at British Gas (who sounded like death warmed up) wanted meter readings, and my pleas that getting meter reading entail a round trip of sixty miles fell on deaf ears.
Oh well... I'll send my brother... when he has a minute.
With work worked I came home and walked the dogs round the block. It was getting dark when I got home and was completely dark by the time we’d done our walk.
I then sat on the sofa with the dogs and we all slept until “er indoors TM came home. She boiled up some Christmas pud which I had with a gallon of cream… I’ve got guts ache now…

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