
28 January 2023 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Badlesmere

I woke a tad earlier than I might have. Not as early as I have been, but still early. I got up, “did” the puppies and as I scoffed toast I had a look at the Internet. It was still the same as ever. As well as epically breasted bimbos and crocodiles I also seem to be getting no end of messages from religious crackpot at the moment. At the risk of stirring up a hornet’s nest I’ll just make the observation that (as an ex- religious crackpot myself) when you actually give the matter any serious consideration, all of these so-called gods need an awful lot of excuses.
“er indoors TM and the dogs got up (once I’d chivvied them out of their pit) and once we were all organised and I’d scraped the ice off of the “er indoors TM”-mobile we got on with our day.
First of all we drove round to Dog Club where we had a great time. I say “great time”; Bailey seems to do her own thing, Morgan goes absolutely hyper, and Treacle… Treacle is funny. Initially all the other dogs come up to Treacle and say “Hello – play with me”, and Treacle replies with “F… off and leave me alone!” but as the session goes on so Treacle slowly warms to the other dogs. We’ve found that doing “dog agility” with her along some of the benches in the field calms her and makes her more amenable to saying hello to the other pups. But we all had a good time. The club is all about socialising, and that’s what happens; albeit some more than others.
From Dog Club we drove up to Badlesmere where we met Karl, Tracey and Charlotte and we had a rather good wander up to Lees Court and back again following a route we’ve walked many times. It is a good walk. Back in the day Fudge used to set off in hot pursuit of pheasants when we were up there. Today Treacle set one off, and  the puppies leapt into hot pursuit… though it has to be said that they obviously had no idea what all the fuss was about.
After a couple of hours we were back at the cars where boots were swapped for shoes and we went to the Rad Lion where we had a rather good bit of dinner. Perhaps we might have walked for a bit further to have tired the dogs some more, but they weren’t as bad in the pub as they have been in the past. And they got to taste the custard too. Dogs like custard – who would have believed it?
I took a few photos of our adventures today. Once home “er indoors TM and the dogs slept like logs, and I uploaded the photos and logged a geocache find.
We watched an episode of “Junior Bake Off”, then “er indoors TM put on a film. “Hotel Transylvania 2” looks rather good… but I might go to bed and sleep there rather than falling asleep in front of the telly.

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