
25 January 2023 (Wednesday) - Early Shift


Yet again I did that infuriating thing where I woke feeling full of energy and raring to go at ten past two, and then dozed for intervals of fifteen to twenty minutes for the rest of the night.
Being on an early shift in Pembury this morning I was up and about and tiddling the puppies even earlier than usual, Recently I remarked on how many local houses had lights on at half past five in the morning. Only two (not including our house) had lights on at five o’clock.
With puppies tiddled they shot upstairs to the big bed (they love it!) and I sparked up my lap-top. With not enough time for telly this morning I had a plan to muck out my in-box instead.
Despite having told me that it was closing down last November, the NHS Jobs website was still sending me daily emails that I didn’t want.
LinkedIn was suggesting I congratulate people that I don’t know for doing things I consider to be meaningless trivia,
Credit Karma congratulated me on having paid down my credit card balance. What does that phrase even mean?
Sky suggested I might start up monthly subscriptions with even more channels. Seriously? The Sky-Q box is already recording stuff up to six times faster than we can possibly watch it.
Google had told me that I’d logged in to my account…
And this was the email account to which I have stuff that I have stuff I want sent. I I had a look at my Gmail account (which is for the crap I don’t want) and there were nine hundred and ninety-eight unread emails. Ironically it told me that fourteen of those were spam. I deleted the lot without even looking at them.
I also spent a few minutes looking up how to fix the issue with the car’s dashboard display thingy that had died yesterday. People on the Skoda forums said there were two solutions. I could either pay the garage nearly six hundred quid, or I could disconnect the battery for ten minutes.
I then had a look at social media . Yesterday’s geo-squabble has calmed down. Interestingly I made a comment a couple of days ago that I will be archiving quite a few of my Wherigo geocaches (as everyone has done them and no one has been near for a year), and no end of people have appeared asking me not to get rid of them because they still want to play them. I’m rather pleased that the things are popular… you never know; I might revamp one or two of them if people like to play them.
I looked up who on my Facebook Friends list had a birthday today and sent a birthday wish to an old friend, downloaded bank statements then got ready for work.
I wandered off through a very dark morning to find where I'd left my car. As I started the car so the dashboard radio display thingy leapt into life. Dead yesterday, fine this morning. What was that all about?
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about Justin Bieber who has apparently just sold all the rights to his songs, and made a profit of two hundred million dollars.
I can't say I blame him. Aged twenty-eight he's now set for life, isn't he?
There was also a lot of talk about how the Western world are sending tanks to Ukraine, but nowhere near enough, if you listen to the Ukrainian president who wants (demands) three hundred and has been given (about) fifty.
Apparently one of the Russian leaders who was in South Africa the other day said that Russia are beginning to see the war as being not against Ukraine, but against the entire Western coalition of nations who are supplying Ukraine with the weapons.
He's got a point. And let's not have anyone pretending to be surprised when some Western country or other finds its capital nuked and everyone else gets a stern warning to mind its own business.
Work was much the same as ever, but being on an early start meant I got out early, and was home at dusk. Mind you by the time I’d walked the dogs round the block it was completely dark.
With walk walked I watched more “Star Trek: Discovery”, then dozed with the dogs until “er indoors TM came home, when I carried on sitting on the sofa with the dogs.
I spend so much time just sitting with the dogs when there is so much more I could be doing…

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