22 September 2022 (Thursday) - Various Rants

I woke in a cold sweat following a nightmare in which rather than giving me a pay rise, the government had ordered all NHS staff to stand at bus stops where members of the public would give us their unwanted and out of date food, and I had been getting a lot of verbal abuse from a physiotherapist about a half-chewed curlywurly. It sounds rather ridiculous, but at the time it was rather frightening.
It was with something of a sense of relief that I took the puppies into the garden to do their thing.
With puppies tiddled, Treacle placated and puppies safely deposited on a sleeping “er indoors TM  I made toast and watched some "Better Than Us" before setting off to work. Much of the Cows Roundabout and miles of motorway were still coned off this morning, but again still coned off for no reason that I could see. And with absolutely no one working there.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were still talking about President Putin's ranting. It just amazes me that people are acting surprised at his attitude. Having much of  the world financing a war against him, he's going to have the arse with those supplying the weapons, isn't he?
There was also talk about how Boy George is selling his house. It is up for sale for seventeen million quid. Seventeen million quid... back when he was famous I semi-managed a gang of mates who sort-of had a band. I arranged a few gigs for them at which they never performed as they were always "practicing". Had they ever practiced enough to perform, might I now be selling a house worth seventeen million quid?
And talking of selling a house, I've got to find the deeds to my Dad's house... They aren't with all the paperwork he'd left us and the bank hasn’t got them. I am reliably informed that deeds are all on-line these days. I've sent an email to the Land Registry people; let's see what comes of that.
Work was work; I had a good day with one of the trainees today teaching her blood morphology. And with work worked I came home to find another slip from the delivery people. Two days ago the delivery chap put a delivery slip through the front door claiming that no one was home (and so he couldn’t deliver a parcel) when “er indoors TM was home. They tried to re-deliver that parcel today… I say “tried to re-deliver”; they just stuck another slip through the door (whilst “er indoors TM” was home) and they now expect me to go into the post office in town to collect the thing… The post office’s opening times is from nine o’clock in the morning till half past five in the evening. I’ve told the company they can have the parcel back. I didn’t say that they could stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, but I hope they could infer that from my tone.
“er indoors TM boiled up a particularly good bit of dinner which we washed down with a ten quid bottle of plonk from Aldi (quality!) whilst watching this week’s episode of “Bake Off”.
I wonder if I will have a headache in the morning – that cheapo bottle of plonk we had earlier in the week left me feeling rather grim…

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