22 August 2020 (Saturday) - Coming Home


Last night’s cheese took its toll; I hardly slept and when I did I was plagued with nightmares in which I had been entrusted with the care of a frog which "My Boy TM" had bought as a family pet, and which I immediately lost.

I gave up trying to sleep, told the world about yesterday’s adventures by posting photos to Facebook, and sent off a message to the C.O. of the virtual geocache at Stonehenge asking of a selfie from half a mile away was acceptable. I don’t see why not – looking at the image gallery for that one there was a few people who had taken photos as they’d driven past in the car.


I spent a few minutes taking photos of our cottage home before we packed, and we were soon heading east and home. We had thought about coming home via the Three Castles brewery, but thought better of the idea.

We Munzeed as we drove along the motorway, and soon we were in Larkfield. Breaking up a long journey is always a good idea, and we thought we might have a little geo-walk when half-way home. We parked up and set off walking. It didn’t take long for Treacle to find a stick which was far too big for her, and we had a rather good walk (to begin with). There were horses, there were rather pretty houses, there weren’t any hills… it was a good walk right up to the half-way point. And then we followed a country lane. With a signposted speed limit of forty miles per hour, we took our lives in our hands as cars flew past at break-neck speed blatantly ignoring that speed limit.

Mind you, finding the last cache of the series was something of a bonus; not many people have found that one.


We said our goodbyes and headed home. As we drove I was messaging the “Main Mumma” of Munzee-ing locally. There has been something of a disaster in allocating Munzers to Clans. Utterly trivial in the great scheme of things, but rather serious for those who scan bar codes posted to lamp posts. Incredibly serious for me in my capacity as the Numero Uno Honcho in the “Cup of Hot Chocolate Clan”. I’ was promised two top-rate Munzers, but they have both been enticed away to other clans…


We got home. After a couple of hours (literally) we’d cleared most of the mess that "Daddy’s Little Angel TM" had left, and started on our unpacking. I got a load of shirts in to wash, and I then quickly gave myself a haircut.

Oh dear…

I give my head a once-over one every week with the shears. They felt odd today… it was only after I’d been going for a few minutes that I saw the cutting head thingy on the floor. The cutting head thingy controls how much hair gets left behind when cutting, and since it had fallen off, no hair was being left behind. By the time I’d realised, it was too late to salvage anything of the haircut so I chopped the lot. It won’t take long to grow back.

I am reliably told I look like a Lego maxifigure.


"er indoors TM" popped up to the KFC for some dinner. We scoffed it whilst watching “Taskmaster” and whilst the washing machine scrubbed my undercrackers. Hopefully it will have sorted them by the time I wake up….


Oh  and I took a few photos today.

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