
27 February 2019 (Wednesday) - A Day in the Wicked City

Yesterday I sorted through the Lego job lot I got a month or so ago. Whilst there was a lot of good stuff in there, there was also a load of custom-built shapes designed specifically for the kit from which they came, and not really any good to me. There were also a lot of roof bricks with various stickers making them also rather useless. Altogether I got a bucketful of bits that I didn’t want, and stuck them on several Facebook selling sites to see if they would sell. Asking for a tenner was a tad cheeky really, and when a friend said she was keen, I just gave them away and marked the advert as “sold”.
This morning some fourteen hours later the moderators of “Ashford Selling Site” approved and published the advert.

Whilst perusing Facebook this morning I saw there had been an earthquake. An ex-colleague who lives very close to Gatwick airport said his whole house shook this morning. You don’t expect earthquakes at Gatwick, do you?
Also whilst perusing Facebook I was inundated with adverts for the book and DVD of “Ender’s Game”. I mentioned that yesterday, didn’t I? Big Brother is watching me!

I wandered up the road to the railway station and got my ticket to London. I asked the chap on the counter when the next train to London was going; he looked me in the eye, turned around and drank his cup of tea.
And friends who work on the railway wonder why the railway staff are held in such low regard by their customers…

Once on the train I found a copy of “The Metro” and did most of the crossword. It kept me out of mischief until I got to Charing Cross where I met Karl. Together we hopped onto the underground and went to South Kensington from where we went for a little wander.
As we went we found some Tupperware and did some geology homework as you do. We even totally failed to do some algebra, but that error was soon rectified. Over a pint of lunch I realised that forty minus one is thirty-nine and not thirty-two. Getting the numbers right is quite important in a game which depends entirely on having the longitude and latitude spot-on. In my more sane moments I have a degree in mathematics(!)

There are some rather posh houses in Kensington you know. And the roads – how wide are they?
We walked round Holland Park and Hyde Park. Can you believe that there is a thousand-pound fine for letting your dog off of a lead there?
We found a rather good pub in Bayswater where we had a pint of Welsh ruby ale, and then a pint of local stout with a burger. And what a burger – with bacon, fried egg and black pudding in it.

We had a vague plan for a route for today, but in retrospect perhaps we’d been a tad ambitious. We cut the route short. Mayfair, Millbank and Pimlico can wait until next time.
We got back to South Kensington just as the rush hour was starting. We said our goodbyes at the Embankment, I found an Evening Standard, and rather failed at its crossword on the way home.
London was good; I took a few photos.

I got home just at the same time as "er indoors TM". We got the illuminated collars on to the dogs and walked them round the park. The illuminated collars were quite a success; I video-ed them.
With dogs walked we had a spot of tea and watched last week’s episode of “The Orville” which was rather good.

I then set about the geo-admin on today’s geocaching. The trip to London was a rather intensive test for my new app. It did what I was hoping it would… mostly…

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