
4 September 2018 (Tuesday) - A Walk round Godinton

I often intend to have an early night; I did so last night and was sleeping like a log when my phone decided to give me a flurry of notifications at five past six. Even though it was completely disconnected from the internet. I wish it wouldn’t do that.

I got up and sighed. On Friday I’d emptied the laundry basket. It was full again. Still, it isn’t as bad as it used to be – I’m only washing for two these days. Back in the day the fruits of my loin would generate *far* more washing than I could cope with.
I fed a load into the washing machine and over brekkie I had a look-see to find out what my phone wanted to tell me.
There had been a lot of interest expressed in the piccies of yesterday’s boat trip to the forts. A lot of people were envious of the trip, but two had asked how they might organise such an outing of their own. I’ve told them what I did. It wasn’t difficult; I contacted the nice people at Project Red Sands to find what dates they had available, chose a date which suited me, and then asked individuals who I thought might want to go along. I soon filled the boat. The biggest problem was having “normal people” finding out about the plans, *telling* me they were coming, and then getting arsey when I explained the boat was full.
I hope more people do organise trips to the forts. It was a good place to be. And if people organise trips to the forts they may well organise trips elsewhere and I could go along.

I got the leads on to the dogs and we went for a little walk. We drove out to the Godinton estate, parked up, and went for a little walk along the Greensand Way, and back home via a diversion into Ripper’s Wood. It was a good walk. It would have been better if the dogs could have been off the leads for more of the walk, but there were a lot of sheep and cattle. Treacle isn’t good with farm animals. Fudge generally ignores them, but Treacle is the archetypal bully; she tries to run in terror from the cattle but wants to chase the sheep. She worked herself into quite a frenzy (several times) over the sheep.
As we came to the river we stopped for a spudle and a drink. It was only when the dogs were in the water that I noticed the pike. It was probably about as big as Fudge, and only a couple of yards from them. It didn’t seem bothered by the dogs; I don’t think they even noticed it.
After swimming with pike, the walk back to the car was relatively uneventful.

We came home, and over a sandwich I watched more “Orange is the New Black”. At the end of season four our heroes staged a prison riot. I’m now half way into season five, the riot is still going on seemingly because the writers have run out of ideas.

I then spent a bit of time fiddling on the geocaching website and playing with GSAK. As we walked this morning I checked out some possible locations for some new geocaches. I’ve figured out a twenty-one-cache route of straight-forward film-pot-under-rocks with a half-dozen trickier puzzles for those that like that sort of thing. I need to tell geocaching dot com about them, but I can do that later.
I realise that in trying to keep everyone happy I will probably please no-one, but such is life.

I mowed the lawn; "er indoors TM" came home and boiled up a rather good bit of scran. Having heard nothing about a Tuesday gathering we cracked open a bottle of plonk and watched “Bake-Off”.
Good stuff…

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