
20 May 2013 (Monday) - Stuff

I slept reasonably well last night, but there's no denying I would have slept better had I not sat on a stinging nettle yesterday. Over a spot of brekkie I checked my emails and saw that a new geocache had gone live the other side of Canterbury. I toyed with the idea of chasing after it and thought better of that idea. This game can become obsessive, you know(!)
Instead I consoled myself with hunting out a cache which was (sort of) on my way to work. It was named "Tranquil Valley View" which reminded me of something Bob Ross would have painted. However the view is probably far more tranquil when there's not low cloud and drizzle. Bearing in mind the glorious weather of the last couple of days,today was rather horrible.
As I drove on from "Tranquil Valley View" to Canterbury I had a twit driving his car not five yards behind me for most of the way. Having ignored all the opportunities to overtake along the A28 this fool nearly caused a multiple car pile up by flying past me and at oncoming traffic in Thanington. And it did him no good because I then caught up with him at every set of traffic lights.

As I drove the news was all about the fact that Parliament is debating whether or not to allow gay couples to be married. Surely if anyone wants to be married, be they heterosexual, gay, polyandrous, polygamous, fish, fowl or Martian, and all protagonists involved are happy with the arrangement then is up to the individuals concerned. Haven't our Lords and Masters anything better on which they might waste their time? Or the news commentators? A lot ot radio time was wasted on this topic today when something worthy of note; the first British astronaut funded by the UK Government warranted a few moments at best.

And so to work. It was probably for the best that I was at work today; whilst I was out a bus ran amok outside our house and trashed several parked cars. Apparently the "My Boy TM"-mobile missed this trashing by a matter of minutes.
On my way home I saw that rare sight these days - a hitch hiker. I stopped and gave her a lift to the station. I have been told that I was silly to have given a lift to a stranger. I disagree. If more people helped more complete strangers the world would be a much better place...

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