
15 March 2012 (Thursday) - Laminate Flooring

Doing three long working days this week meant for another day off work today. Like Tuesday I had planned a lie-in, but workmen up the road started drilling shortly after 8am. So I got up, only to find "Daddies Little Angel TM" throwing dog biscuits all over the floor. Apparently the dog bowl hadn't been washed up. So I set her to doing the washing up and wished I hadn't: she used more washing-up liquid in one bowlful than I use in a month.
I checked emails over brekkie and found I'd been turned down for more jobs. I'm sure the agencies don't actually read my C.V. and covering letter: I'm sure they scan it and assume an awful lot about me. Perhaps another re-write might be in order.
I got dressed, and did another catalogue drop. it was a lovely day for it. And having spent half an hour doing that, I then went into the garden and mucked out the pond's fish poo filter. A smelly job, but one which needed doing. I should really have done it back when I turned the fish poo filter off back in the autumn, but such is life. And I continued in the garden with mowing the lawn and mucking out the back yard. The recycling had got rather out of control.
There are two schools of thought on the subject of recycling. One is that you gather together all recyclable material, and periodically take it to a central collection point. The other is that you open the back door and fling all sorts of rubbish out into a pile that you call "the recycling". I think we are subscribing to the wrong theory.

I spent an hour or so doing on-line surveys for (hopefully) financial gain, and then "My Boy TM" came home muttering about laminate flooring. Fudge and his entourage are moving house at the weekend and needed to lay a laminate flooring in the new residence. Having laid one such floor once (some five years ago) made me an expert on the subject, and so I was co-opted to help. I fetched, carried, sawed (rightly and wrongly), laid laminate, took up wrongly laid laminate and laid it properly, and generally helped out. Lacey's new bedroom is small, and it only took us a couple of hours to sort out the floor.
And so home, where "er indoors TM" was boiling up scran. She does boil a decent bit of scran. Whilst in the shower I noticed a very odd rash on my shoulder. I'm told it's from the heavy bag of catalogues I was lugging about earlier. Let's hope so.
We then scoffed said scran whilst watching a film. "In Bruges" started well, but dragged on a bit. It would probably have seemed a better film if I hadn't nodded off several times....

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