
5 October 2024 (Saturday) - More Sick Leave

I had a whole lot less coughing last night. It was a shame that Treacle had to have a snarling fit in the small hours because the little ones wanted to be on the bed as well as her. Treacle is odd; when we are out and about and meet other dogs she is invariably terrified and hides and clearly looks to Morgan and Bailey to protect her (not that there’s ever any protecting to be done). But when at home she can be quite mean to the littluns.
I wish she wouldn’t.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. This morning I was presented with adverts for Crumb pet tags. These are being marketed quite forcefully at the moment. The idea is that you attach the tag to the dog’s collar. If the dog goes walkabout, anyone finding them scans the bar code on the collar with an app on their phone and the dog owner’s contact details pop up. Whilst the tags are free, there’s a monthly subscription. And the whole thing hinges on whoever finds the missing dogs having the proper app on their phone, and having internet connectivity where they are. Which I rarely have when in the woods. I don’t see any advantage of this over having my mobile phone number on the dogs’ tags, which is what I’ve already go in place.
Having said that, I can imagine that many people would spend out on a monthly subscription on this purely because they can.
Being Saturday we went to Dog Club. Part of me felt a tad guilty about going having phoned in sick to work, but as “er indoors TM said to one of our friends, there’s a world of difference between standing in a paddock for half an hour whilst feeling grim, and being expected to crack on with a full day’s work whilst feeling grim. Sadly again Morgan was a bit of an idiot. He gets on fine with most of the other dogs, but there are two there which he doesn’t like. He spent the session on his lead.
Dog club went rather well. We came home and I nipped to the corner shop for an almond croissant and a pecan plat which we had with a cuppa. As I sat down to the cuppa I realized I was sweating and breathless. I was right to have pulled another sickie.
I sat on the sofa and as I scoffed coffee and croissant I carried on with the geo-puzzles that I started looking at yesterday. Given some photos taken on the Romney Marsh all I had to do was to take a virtual drive round the area until I found the places where the photos were taken. Simple enough?
I started virtually driving round… and woke up two hours later.
Bearing in mind what an idiot Morgan had been at Dog Club and also bearing in mind the utter failure of the muzzle we’d tried on him in the past we went on a little shopping mission to get him a firmer muzzle. We got one from Bybrook Barn which seems to fit him quite well.
As we drove I was amazed at how busy the local roads were. I suppose you’d expect Saturday afternoon to be a peak time… I rarely drive about then.
We came home and Morgan had a trial run on his muzzle. He went to sleep wearing it, so that’s got to be a good sign. I must admit I’m not at all happy about him needing a muzzle, but if he will be an idiot and nip at other dogs then he has no choice. To be fair to him there’s only a couple of dogs that rile him, and watching the other dogs playing this morning at Dog Club he’s not *that* much worse than the others. There’s a lot of rough-and-tumble going on, but Morgan just goes that little bit too far with certain other dogs.
As idiot-chops dozed in his muzzle I set about the dishwasher. Things haven’t been coming out of the dishie quite as clean as they might have done lately. So I took the washer arm things as apart as they would go and blasted them through with water from the shower hose. Water seemed to be flowing a bit better than it had been… So as a trial run I stuck in a load of all the stuff it had failed on overnight.
Whist the dishie cracked on we plumbed in the new DVD player. I say “new”; the thing has been sitting on the table in its box for several months. We plugged it all in, sparked it all up, and after a *lot* of farting about the thing went back in the box. Once plugged in it displayed all the menus it should, but it simply wouldn’t play any DVDs. Clearly it was talking to the telly because we can see the menus, but when we pressed “play”, everything stopped happening. I have a vague recollection that the HDMI cable we have gave us grief in the past so we’ve got a new one on order.
By the time we’d finished farting about the dishie had done its thing. It was better than it had been, but still not perfect. I shall try topping up the salt and the rinse-aid before lugging it to the tip.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Bake Off: The Professionals”.
I think I was right to have taken today off… I might just be beginning to feel if not better, certainly on the mend.

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