
29 September 2024 (Sunday) - Got The Rona

 I slept like a long last night but woke up feeling rough. I had this naïve idea that if I got up and pootled about I might perk up so I put another load of washing in, had a shave and made brekkie. I hadn’t perked up much so I mowed the lawn and it nearly killed me. Bearing in mind I had some old COVID tests left over from the days when I had to do twice-weekly testing I thought I’d use one to prove I didn’t have COVID…
Oh well – I’ve got COVID. Again.
Plans for going to B&Q and the garden centre went out the window. Instead I sat on the sofa (feeling grim) and looked at the monthly accounts. They could be better; they could be a whole lot worse. It would seem that I’ve been charged interest on the things for which I used my credit card when we were away. You would have thought that when I spoke to the bank they might have mentioned that, wouldn’t you? I paid the credit card bill – I overpaid. There’s still three transactions that haven’t appeared on the statement yet. I’m paying as little interest on those as I can - I’m mean like that.
I then had a look at Project GC. One of the many failings of geocaching dot com is that it simply isn’t fit for purpose. If all you want to do is go find a rock under which there might be a film pot, then their app is about the poorest app with which you might do that. But if you want to look at the statistics of what you’ve found – most found in a day, furthest apart finds in a day… then that’s where third party suppliers come in.
I asked Project GC how many geocaches we’d found whilst on holiday compared to other tourists. With one or two caches every fifty miles or so we went not intending to do much caching, but if we were walking past one we thought we’d have a go.
It turns out that we came home the UK’s top finders of Uzbek caches…
With so much I could have done today I spent the afternoon washing and tumble-drying undercrackers and socks whilst watching episodes of “Four in a Bed” in which the contestants had taken to checking out their rivals on price comparison websites to see if people were deliberately undercharging. It all got rather nasty and turned out that it is quite legal for third party to hire a hotel room and then let it on at a higher price.
“er indoors TM boiled up lamb chops, and I then slept for much of the evening…

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