
13 September 2024 (Friday) - Dog Tablets

I had another restless night. I'm getting fed up with them. I got up rather earlier than I might have done, made toast and scoffed it whilst watching an episode of "Brassic" in which Grumio was again running round in the nip. He seems to do that a lot.
It was rather cold as I walked out to find my car. For once I didn't have far to go to find it. I drove round to Sainsbury's petrol station to refuel. The miserable old bat was on the till again, and she was gossiping with her mate. The two of them were managing to do the tills and take the money without interacting with the customers at all as they carried on their conversation. It would seem her mate has some sort of dietary intolerance. The miserable old bat would name a food, and her mate would say how it affected her. As I listened it appeared there wasn't a single thing that didn't either bung her up solid or have her squitting through the eye of a needle (as she so eloquently put it). I'm no consultant enterologist but it strikes me that the obvious thing to do here is to take two foods with completely opposite effects and eat them together. Surely one would counteract the other?
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were talking about the ongoing crisis in dentistry where there is spiralling tooth decay in children.
This is strange... my teeth are crap; as a child and teenager I had filling after filling. But the fruits of my loin had much better fangs as did their generation. When they were younger there was talk of children and teenagers having no fillings at all. I can remember cubs at days out having the most healthy packed lunches. It would seem that now they've grown up they are rebelling and giving their children sugar to sprinkle on their sweets.
And there was talk about how President Putin has seriously got the arse with the Western world for giving the Ukrainians weapons. He's threatening dire repercussions if the weapons given by Western countries supposedly for use on Ukrainian soil are fired into Russia.
It just amazes me that whoever is that is handing out missiles didn't see this coming.
I got to work; I did my bit. As I worked I phoned the bank to tell them about next week's holiday, and to tell them not to put a stop on my credit card when they see it is being used overseas. They said they wouldn't. I told them that they said that to several friends only to go on and stop theirs.
And I phoned the vet to organise flea and worming treatments for the dogs. Flea treatments is easy enough; you just rub some jollop on the back of their necks. But getting a worming pill down a canine neck takes some doing. As I found out this evening.
I came home via the vets where I picked up the treatments. I popped Bailey’s tablet into a lump of cheese and she yummed it up. Morgan was also easily tricked into having his. But Treacle has seen it all before. I hid her tablet in a piece of cheese. She took the cheese, gave it one bite, spat it all out and quickly ate all the cheese leaving the tablet. I tried again and we had a repeat performance. I pinned her down and poked the tablet down her throat. She glared at me and spat it out. Eventually I tricked her by putting the tablet into a lump of cheese about the size of a golf ball which she immediately devoured before the other two could get any.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching another episode of “Race Across the World”. Our heroes were heading out of Brazil into Argentina. Maybe we might go there one day… if only it wasn’t so far away.
And in closing today spare a thought for Moonbase Alpha. When I was a lad there was a wonderful sci-fi show on the telly. It was set on a fictional Moonbase Alpha, and they had various adventures as the Moon travelled through space. The Moon was off on its travels having been blasted out of Earth orbit on 13 September 1999.
When I watched that show this all seemed so far into the future... it's now twenty-five years ago. I think it fair to say that the future didn't pan out quite how Gerry Anderson would have had us believe.

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