
1 September 2024 (Sunday) - Boxley

When I was a lad I had some toy robots called “Zeroids”. Not the Gerry Anderson ones; you can see pictures of these ones here. This morning as I scoffed my toast people were posting to Facebook about how these things now sell on eBay for over a thousand quid each. I wish I’d kept mine.
Facebook had sent me a message. I like Facebook. It allows me to be incredibly nosey and see what other people are doing and gives me seemingly unlimited photo storage. However it has some rather strange ideas about what it thinks is acceptable in polite society. It’s no secret that peddling websites of porn don’t breach its Community Standards – I regularly post up photos of those doing so.
The other day it randomly presented me with a video of some woman wearing next to nothing running round trying to shoot a large iguana with a bow and arrow. After a lot of gratuitous close-ups of her arse and chest she shot the iguana which was clearly in pain.
I won’t re-post the video. But it is still on Facebook as it apparently doesn’t breach their community standards…
I totally failed at Wordle and with a little time to spare went round the garden harvesting dog dung. It’s amazing how quickly that stuff accumulates.
“er indoors TM and the dogs came downstairs. Morgan sat with me for a bit, He had hiccups. Whilst he hic-ed we got ourselves organized and set off to Boxley. Karl and Tracy were doing a maintenance run (walk) on a series of their geocaches and we came along for the walk. Six of us (and four dogs) set off on a rather serious uphill slog. We’d arranged the walk so the serious uphill bit was first. Once at the top of the hill the going was much easier, but I was amazed at how many off-road bikers we had to avoid. Especially when you consider how difficult that place was to get to. Longbeech Wood and Kings Wood are far more accessible; why don’t the cyclists go there?
In an amazing show of self-control we walked past the pub… mind you a country pub on a Sunday lunchtime? Heaving with the normal people. We would have spent close on a hundred quid, and we’d got a picnic with us anyway.
About two thirds of the way round we stopped for that picnic. Over the last few months we’ve rather got out of the habit of picnics. I miss them. It was rather good to sit in a field and watch the world go by. It was a shame that Bailey had to roll in quite so much poo, but there it is.
I took a few photos as we walked. I do that.
We got back to the cars; we said our goodbyes. They took a little longer than usual. Pogo is going off with Karl and Tracy for a little holiday. Much as we love him, four dogs is a tad too much. Especially as when he’s with us Pogo feels he has to be guardian of the pack. When he’s on his own he can be much more rested and doesn’t feel he has to prove himself.
Once home “er indoors TM and the dogs had a little sleep. I strained my brain with a geo puzzle. You can see the thing by clicking here. There’s a load of talk about how good desserts are, some pictures of various puddings and a formula from which you can calculate the longitude and latitude of where there’s a little film pot under a rock. Or, as I suspect, inside a metal gate. I’ve identified all the puddings, but how I get numbers from them eludes me.
Bearing in mind that the rules of geocaching say that the thing has to be somewhere on the Romney Marsh, if any of my loyal readers know how I might add strawberry cheesecake to oatmeal biscuits and get five, please let me know.
I’m reminded of my old maths teacher who once told me that I couldn’t add apples to oranges… he’d have a fit if he tried puzzle geocaching.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the first episode of the second season of the American version of “Traitors”. An odd show. Most of the women contestants have had rather bad plastic surgery and look as though they have just had a smack in the chops. One who hasn’t has one tit three times the size of the other. Most of the men contestants have over-inflated views of their own importance apart from the one who seems to have failed the job interview for the role of village idiot. And ex-politician John Bercow was in there as well for on apparent reason. All of the contestants seemed to know all of the other contestants from other reality TV shows, and none seemed to like anyone else.
It's rather entertaining…

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