
9 August 2024 (Friday) - Back to Work

A couple of bottles of rather good ale and arguably too much port had taken their toll last night. I went straight to bed when I got home, and woke feeling full of energy and raring to go at half last two. I made the schoolboy error of nipping to the loo, and then spent the rest of the evening fighting dogs for bed space.
I didn’t sleep well; I never do with an alarm set. I gave up trying to sleep at five o’clock, got up and made brekkie.
I smiled as I sent out birthday wishes this morning. Today was the birthday of my second ever trainee who is now my bosses’ bosses’ boss. I see her as something of a success story. With pretty much nothing else happening on-line so early I had a little Munzing session from the sofa. I can get half a dozen Munzees from there, and I got triple points for each this morning which was something of a result.
I got dressed listening to the bin men shouting across the road to each other, and walked to my car stepping round the bins scattered across the pavement and stepping over the rubbish they'd dropped. I suppose being a bin man is a thankless task, but they do themselves no favours.
Being at Pembury today I set off to work west-wards through the -hursts and the-dens listening to the radio as I went. There was a lot of talk about the riots that have gripped the country in the last week. Do the rioters have a genuine cause for concern, or are they just a bunch of thugs? I know what I think. Personally I can't help but think that there's a lot to be said for shooting one or two of them. Not all of them, but just enough to make an example. Not that I’m in any way advocating civil unrest as you get banged up for doing that.
There was a lot of air-time being given to the recent decision that people who will get compensation for having been wrongly imprisoned won't have to pay for their board and lodging whilst imprisoned but this won't apply retrospectively to people who've already been awarded compensation and have already been billed.
I suppose that at least they can get compensation, which is more than any innocents who might have been mistaken for rioters and shot would get.
As I drove I found myself zig-zagging round cyclists. I met a few today who seemed to think they were in a car rather than on a bike by being in the very middle of the road.  I wish they wouldn't do that.
Having completely forgotten to make myself a sandwich I stopped off at Tesco in Pembury. Sometimes that place is hard work; it was rather dull today which was for the best.
Work was work. It could have been a whole lot worse. I was originally down to do the late shift today, but a colleague offered to cover that for me for which I was rather grateful.
And with work worked I came home, collected “er indoors TM and her mate and drove them out to Chartham where they are having a good old-fashioned piss-up. There was talk about coming home on the train later, but I’d rather go collect her. I’ve come home on the train after a session before… usually via London.
As I waited for the phone call I watched “Piglets”. I thought it was a documentary about police cadets; it’s actually a comedy. Either way, when I was younger I always wanted to be a police cadet right up to the point where I became tall enough when I suddenly lost interest.
I wonder if and when I will get the phone call to collect her…

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