
6 August 2024 (Tuesday) - More Sawing

As I sparked up my lap-top I saw there was a request for moderator action on one of the Facebook groups I moderate. Someone had the “Reform UK” as their Facebook profile picture and had prompted others in the “Upstairs Downstairs” group to take offence. Some people really will argue about anything.
I had a quick Munzee session, again struggled with Wordle, and got ready for the day.
I put a load of washing in to scrub then took the dogs up to the woods. As we drove the pundits on the radio were talking about how residents of tourist destinations across Europe seem to have got the arse with tourists. People who live in these places claim that property prices are going through the roof because every available house is being snapped up for the tourist trade.
As Oliver Hardy once remarked, “twas ever thus”; the locals in Hastings hated the tourists forty years ago… even though without the tourists the town would have been dead.
We got to the woods and had a good walk. Having had reports that four of my geocaches had gone missing I went to have a look. We took a rather circuitous wander round the woods only to find that three were where they were supposed to be.
We made our way back to the car where my watch told me we’d walked for four and a half miles. We came home, I made a cuppa, then cracked on with sawing those sleepers. After an hour or so I’d got the basic waterfall shape done… then I remembered the washing I’d put in to scrub. Woops. I hung that out as “er indoors TM boiled up some sausage rolls for lunch. And with lunch scoffed I realized that there was still more sawing to be done.
Sawing is hard work.
I thought about getting a coat of wood preservative onto the sleepers, but decided against it. Instead, seeing what great reports I’d read of last week’s Mega-Geo-Event I looked at hiring a camper van to take to next year’s event. They ain’t cheap to hire, you know…
I *might* go in a tent. But only *might*.
Being a rather good evening “er indoors TM and I took the dogs down to Folkestone where we had a little walk along the Leas, Munzing as we went.
We were rather late getting home so we had KFC for dinner. Happy days.

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