
2 August 2024 (Friday) - A Birthday

It was rather hot last night, which gave me the dilemma I have on every hot night. Should I lay awake all night because it is hot, or should I turn on the fan and lay awake all night because of the noise the fan makes?
I turned the fan off about four o’clock and dozed until eight. I made toast, took “er indoors TM up a birthday cuppa, then peered into the Internet. Loads of friends had been camping in torrential rain last night; one of quite a few things I don’t miss about camping.
I had an email from Credit Karma saying my score had changed, but I couldn’t log in to my account. After a bit of farting about I cleared my browsing history which wiped my lap-top’s memory of absolutely every password of which it had ever heard, but still left me unable to log into Credit Karma. Oh well… no great loss really.
We set off on today’s mission. As we drove up the motorway we counted fifteen cars in the “Operation Brock” part. Fifteen! How do these people do it? As you come down the motorway it is clearly signposted who has to go where.
We got to Maidstone and Mote Park, and parked up. The RingGo app gave us the option of either six hours parking or fourteen. What was that all about?
We had a little GPS games session. A geocache, a series of geocaching Adventure Labs, six Shaun the Sheep statues and more Munzees than sense. Despite being closely supervised Bailey still managed to roll in something feral.
“er indoors TM took her into the toilets and washed her in a sink.
After a couple of hours we were back at the car. We drove down to the Bull at Linton where we had a rather good bit of dinner. It was a shame that there was a swarm of children charging about the beer garden, but they weren’t charging anywhere near us.
It was also a shame that we couldn’t run a tab. I offered to leave my card behind the bar, but their policy was that people sitting outside pay for everything as they go. It seemed like unnecessary farting about to me, but what do I know?
We came home and I mowed the lawn. “er indoors TM then slipped off for a haircut and then went on to cake with My Boy TM” and Cheryl. I slobbed in front o the telly until she came home when we watched the final of “The Traitors USA”. Sadly the end was rather predictable, but entertaining.
Hopefully “er indoors TM had a good day… 


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