
14 August 2024 (Wednesday) - Rather Tired

The night shift wasn’t particularly bad as night shifts go. It was just rather hard work being up all night. I’m too old to do night shifts. Back in the day when night work was paid as a rather lucrative overtime all the youngsters were gagging for night work, and generally you stopped night shifts on your thirtieth birthday.
Now that they are just part of the routine, people aren’t so keen to do them.
As I drove home I listened to the pundits on the radio spouting their nonsense. There was quite a bit of talk from Melbourne where the local council has banned e-scooter hire.  Apparently you used to be able to hire e-scooters there and scoot about the town, but the things are a hazard to public safety. Should you ride them on the roads or pavements? No one knows, and there’s been no end of accidents from careless use of the things.
And the Ukrainians have demonstrated the validity of the old adage “the best defence is a good offence” by taking the fight to the Russians. They’ve got a point. When I was little a classmate kept bothering me. This boy wouldn’t stop thumping and bashing me. Eventually I got fed up with running away and trying to hide and I gave him a rather impressive black eye. He never bothered me again, and years later he would still treat me with respect.
I came home, and feeling surprisingly chirpy, I took the dogs to the woods before it got too hot. I thought about going to Longbeech Wood again, but bearing in mind I’d been up all night I thought it better to stick to familiar ground.
We walked just over two miles round the west end of Kings Wood.
We had a rather good walk.
As we walked we met a dog on his own. He said hello to our wolf pack and kept going. A few seconds later we could hear a commotion from the direction in which we were going. There was quite the tribe with a dog similar to the one we’d just seen. All of the tribe were shrieking at each other. I heard one of then saying “That man is on his own and has four dogs. There’s how many of us and we’ve lost one of our two”. I took the line that they were walking in the general direction in which the other dog had gone.
Once home I had a quick shower then went to bed. I then had a minor fight with the dogs for bed space and slept for about an hour at which point Treacle declared “Red Alert” for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
By the time I’d got up the dogs had all gone back to sleep. So I carried on cleaning out the fish tank. Rather then stripping the thing down and scrubbing it out I just took the contents out and cleaned those and did several water changes. It looks a lot better, but…
I got the fish seven and a half years ago. At the time I said “I’m trying cold-water goldfish variants for a change. I’ve always fancied having some blackmoors”. (Blackmoors are black goldfish). However it turns out that blackmoors don’t stay black. Over the years mine have gone almost completely golden.
With tank cleaned I put on a film. “The Martian” is an odd film. The premise is that an astronaut gets stranded on Mars and through skill, expertise and science keeps himself alive until he gets rescued.
The trouble is that the film makers take great pains to ensure the film is scientifically spot-on in every way… except in those which might thwart the plot. But I stayed awake for the two and a half hours, which has to be a good thing.
Sadly I did then fall asleep a few times watching assorted rubbish on UK Gold.
“er indoors TM should be home soon; she’s running an errand for “Daddies’ Little Angel TM. Hopefully she’ll bring some dinner home too… not that I’m very hungry… it’s this heat.


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