
28 June 2024 (Friday) - Feeling Grim

I didn’t have the best of nights. This morning I loaded up the washing machine, then decided it was time to start the saline douching of my nose. In the past I’d made the salt solution too strong so this morning I followed the instructions, and then syringed stuff up my conk. Yesterday I didn’t feel *that* bad. After the douching I felt rather rough, and stayed feeling rough all day.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. It was still there. I had a friend request on Facebook supposedly from Laura Tobin. No? I’d never heard of her either. Apparently she does the weather forecasts.  Why would anyone set up a fake account in her name? Or if it was a real account, why bother me with it?
And I had a friend request from yet another pornmonger too.
I did chuckle when I saw that someone had posted about the website I mentioned a while ago. asks you some questions and tells you which political party is most in line with your way of thinking. At the last general election the chap posting this was extolling the virtues of the Conservative party. Having answered the questions it seems that the Tories don’t stand for anything this chap agrees with, and he’d be better off with the Dribbling Democraps.
And I had a message that one of my geocaches in Kings Wood had gone missing. I’ll sort that next week.
With toast scoffed I fell asleep, and woke up three hours later.
I spent the afternoon in the garden feeling thoroughly miserable. The saline douching always makes me feel grim, and as well as feeling as though someone has smacked my in the gob, my chest and my hips hurt too. What’s that all about?
I spent the afternoon crossword puzzling again. I spent an inordinate amount of time going over my answers time and again because “Spain” didn’t fit the answer to “Milan’s country”. Eventually I realised that Milan is in Italy. I wouldn’t have minded so much, but I’ve actually been to Milan.
All the fruits of my loin went off to Dover where they were playing bingo. “er indoors TM  and I took Darcie Waa Waa TM and the dogs to the park. Dogs aren’t allowed in the new playpark area so I took the dogs for a little walk. As we walked we found some chap preaching religion to an audience of six (I counted). I stopped and listened; he seemed to be talking utter drivel and was seemingly surprising himself with his pronouncements. After a few minutes Pogo had a spectacular bout of dire rear, so I took that as a message from above that it was time to move on.
Littlun seemed happy with Grandma (as she is called) on the swings so I brought the dogs home and douched my sinuses again. I don’t like that very much, and with sinuses douched I had a little sleep until “er indoors TM and littlun came home.
I feel yuk. I’ve felt yuk all day. I’m pretty much decided that if these polyps grow back a fourth time then I will just suffer them. I don’t want to go through this again.

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