
25 June 2024 (Tuesday) - Early Shift

I peered into the Internet as I scoffed toast this morning; I wasn’t in a “telly” mood. There was a posting about a rather dire TV show from the 70s on one of the Facebook groups I follow, and a rather vicious load of posts about the late Arthur Mullard. It would seem that like so many of that era he had been a wrong ‘un as well. Was there anyone famous back then who wasn’t actually a nasty piece of work behind the scenes?
And several friends were posting election propaganda… not so much about who we might be best voting for, but about who we should be voting against. I’m mentioned before that the upcoming election isn’t about choosing the best candidate as choosing the least worst. Which is something of a shame.
Leaving everyone fast asleep I set off to work. As I drove up a  busy motorway there was loads of talk on the radio about Conservative party candidates and the Prime Minister’s personal security guard all being suspended following allegations of betting on the date of next week’s general election.
On the one hand it is insider trading, on the other hand… is what these people have done illegal? It’s a tad cheeky, but at the risk of appearing to be something of a neo-puritan, can anyone who is into gambling claim the moral high ground?
As the day wore on I got a message. “Darcie Waa Waa TM had destroyed my Lego pirate ship. Oh well – it is made of Lego – unless she took a hammer to it, any damage is easily repaired.
She and her mother are staying with us for a bit so as to be helpful after tomorrow’s trauma. I spent much of my time at work today fretting about tomorrow’s nose job.
Today was rather hard work; yesterday I mentioned that I thought I’d caught the sun. I don’t think I was on top form today. I was glad when it was home time.
I drove home through a very hot afternoon. After yesterday’s relative success at Orlestone I had thought about taking the dogs there after work, but with the temperature less than one degree below thirty I thought better of it.
As I watered the shrubs I found a dead slow worm. He looked rather mangled – had I twatted him when I was strimming the lawn edges yesterday? I hope not. Google says I can make a little slow worm reservation from Onduline which I can get from Wickes. That will be a little project for the next week or so.
Daddy’s Little Angel TM” boiled up burritos for dinner. I’ve eaten too many.
An early night – I’ve got to be at the Kent and Canterbury hospital tomorrow at seven o’clock…

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