
16 June 2024 (Sunday) - Father's Day

As I scoffed toast I had my usual peer into the Internet. There was an amazing display of unanimity on one of the Facebook groups I follow. Someone posted that they’d met one of the main actors in the 80s TV show “Auf Wiedersehn Pet” and found him to be a rather nasty opinionated person with no time at all for the fans, and loads of other people were positing their experiences with this actor. No one had a good word for the bloke.
But there was a squabble on one of the dog-related Facebook groups in which someone was trying to get people to sign an on-line petition campaigning for the RSPCA to only advocate vegetarian animal food.
Have you ever seen a cat eating a salad?
With “er indoors TM and the dogs fast asleep I put in a load of laundry, set the dishwasher going, and got on with gardening. First of all I cleaned out the small pond’s filter. I’m having to clean that at least twice a week. It’s doing a good job of keeping the small pond clear, but I need to replace it with one that needs a whole lot less maintenance.
I harvested a bumper crop of dog dung, and took a bucket of water to one dog’s outpourings.
And then I had a go at trimming back all the stuff pouring over the fence from not-so-nice-next-door. That took some doing.
As I trimmed so “My Boy TM” and Cheryl came with a Father’s Day card. They stayed for a while and we put the world to rights, and when they went on their way I got out the garden vacuum and hoovered up a load of dead leaves.
Then out came the Bionic Burner and I set about the weeds coming up through the patio, and then had a quick Bionic Burn around the front garden too. I zapped the front path of new-next-door too. Perhaps a tad too vigorously as one of her weeds actually caught fire. I stamped it out before anyone noticed, though.
“er indoors TM sorted us a bowl of soup, then went off to see her dad for Father’s Day. He’s got a cat, so turning up with three dogs in tow wouldn’t have been a good idea. And as time goes on I find myself less and less inclined to leave the dogs home alone. So as she went out so I ran out the hose and topped up both ponds, and then spent a little while watching our special fish. One of the fish has got scoliosis (a bent spine) and isn’t as agile as the other fish. But he holds his own at the feeding frenzy when we do “Feed The Fish”.
I then sat on the sofa and fiddled about with my plans for my geocaches in Kings Wood. At the moment I’ve got one huge walk round the woods and several much smaller ones. The huge walk is too long, and the smaller walks are guided by Wherigos which have a cult following. People either love them or hate them. Everyone who loves them has now done them, and those who are now registering finds on them are openly admitting to cheating.
So I’m hoping to revamp the lot into three long-ish walks of about five miles each, and I’ll write some new Wherigos that should be immune to the cheating that is going on.
“er indoors TM came home with KFC and we watched the first episode of the fourth season of “Race Across The Worldin which five teams were racing from north Japan to somewhere in Vietnam. I’ve already taken a dislike to two of the teams…

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